
W.O.D. 1.16.19

3 Rounds for time:
500 Meter Row
20 Pistols
20 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
20 Push-ups

"Opportunity may knock only once, but temptation leans on the doorbell." 
- Unknown


  1. 9:30 AM

    Jackie H. 23:32,10 ctb
    Mary H. 23:15,pistol rom,10 ctb,incline pu
    Tori C. 22:25,box,band pu,
    Larissa T. 23:28,ball,10 pull-ups,
    Frank M. 19:28 Rx

    12:15 EXP

    Kevin T. 21:13 Rx
    Tim H. 21:12,band,10 pull-ups,snake
    Steph V. 22:24,box,band,incline
    Rich A. 16:03 Rx
    Jess A. 23:26,toe pistols, band,snake
    Jen H. 22:39,box,rr,incline
    Christine R. 24:18,ball,strict band ctb
    Sid 23:00,mod pistol,10 strict pull-ups
    Andrew M. 20:00,box,band
    Pete D. 23:00,snake push-up
    Subhan 23:00,box,10 ctb

  2. Great workout and conditioning morning classes, way to get it in.

    Todd W. 21:07 box, Ring Rows
    Ben M 21:33 reg. pullups
    Laura Smith 24:00 (banded pull-ups, scaled pistols)
    Mike S 22:05 (scaled pistols, RR, inclined pushups)
    Susan 23:53 banded
    Theresa 20:00 Rx
    Briana 23:08 Rx
    Manisha 22:38 scaled
    Anna L 16:12 Rx
    Sean S 17:36 Rx
    Jeremy 16:30 scaled

    Laura Alt. 19:26 (regular pull-ups)
    Dana D 19:33 Rx
    Mike P 18:29 scaled
    Kevin B 17:51 (pull-ups, pistols-right leg, Box left leg)
    Meg O 19:38 (goblet squats)
    Mark S 18:42 (pull-ups, 17" box)
    Jamie S 22:13 (reg.pullups)

    Lucas 18:06 (pole assist, 1/2 pull-ups half c2b)
    Vinny 17:54 pole assist
    Lea 18:59 (1/2 c2b, rom)
    Julia R 20:38 (band, box 13", knee pushups)
    Anna C 20:40 (band, box 17")
    Joe C 23:32 (pull-ups scaled)

  3. 6:30
    Matt D: 20:09 ROM PU
    Nikki M: 21:11 RX
    Liz :20:11 scpistol 15 pu 15 pushup
    Greg A: 20:23 RX
    Kim S: 18:05 scups 10 c2b
    Brianna: 18:43 rr scpistol snake
    Webb: 18:40 rr scpistol 10 pu
    Ashley K: 19:09 sc
    Michael C: 18:47 10 pu scpistol
    Erik: 19:11 sc

    Ashely M:18:23 scpistol, rr, box pu

  4. Villanova
    Lauren 17:46 (10 band pu, inc push up, toe pistol)
    Matt K 14:14 rx
    Tyler 14:45 pu
    Annette 17:21 (toe pistol, rr, sn)
    Gabriella 16:34 (toe+ box pistol, sn, rr)
    Heather 16:21 (10pu, 10 pistol, inc pu)
    Mike M 18:41 (band rom, toe)

  5. 4:30pm
    Steve 22:38 ROMFA
    Remer 16:18rx
    Andrew M 11:45 FA/10StrictPull
    Manny 24:29 FA
    Alicia 19:50 FA/SN
    Jill H 23:52 ROM/10C2b/SN
    Sydney 25:44 Pistol/PistolAtt, Bndc2B
    Nicole M 22:00 Box/Pull/SN
    Rekha 23:45 box/jump/inc
    Roberto 19:22 ROMPistol
    Andrea 25:00 FA/Pull/Inc
    Alex Tu 21:50 10C2B/Pu
    Karen M 22:13 FA/Pull/Sn
    Cherie 22:15 Box/BndPull/Inc
    mark P 23:07 ROM/Pull

    Alex Th 19:37 FA/Pull/SN
    Shawna 25:53 FA/BndPull/Inc
    Micah 18:55 FAROM
    Sam F 20:06 FA
    Matt B 23:18 FAROM/SN
    Caitlyn 23:22 C2BA/INC
    Kate S 22:11 1kbike/bndc2b/inc
    Mike L 22:43 FA/bndpull
    Alona 23:04 plate assist/Butterflyatt
    Cory 18:54 Medball
    Steph M 23:36 10C2B
    Rahmon 24:18 FA/c2bA
    Dan M 21:11 10Pistols/10C2B

    FA=foot assist
    inc= incline push up
