
W.O.D. 12.27.18

Bring your Friends and Family this Saturday 12/29 at 9:00 am or 10:00 am for our FREE CLASS



 Five rounds for max reps of: 
Body weight bench press 

Record reps for both exercises each round and weight used on the bench press.

CLICK HERE to compare to (3.12.18).

CLICK HERE to compare to (6.19.18)
CLICK HERE to compare to (9.18.18)

Community Notes:
Join Tori TOMORROW, 12/28 for our special "OM for the Holidays" Yoga class from
7:30pm- 8:45pm.

CLICK HERE to sign up for Yoga.

We are offering a regular class schedule from Thursday through Sunday.

“Amateurs sit and wait for inspiration, the rest of us just get up and go to work.” 
 ― Stephen King


  1. 9:30am
    Rey 5/7 8/6 5/3 5/5 5/6 50@185
    Joe S :) @185
    Sydney 13/9 9/8 10/8 6/9 5/1 78@75
    Jill h 12/5 12/5 12/5 12/3 10/3 79@80
    Jen H 13/5 11/5 9/5 4/5 6/3 66@60/strictbnd

  2. 12:15
    Kevin 10/12, 12/14, 10/15, 10/14, 7/18= 122 Rx PR!
    Tim 3/2, 3/2, 2/3, 2/3, 3/3=26 @ 155
    Subhan 12/10, 10/8, 8/9, 9/9, 9/6=90 @ 135
    Pete 25, 25, 24, 20, 17 = 111 @ 165 PR!
    Cherie 12/9, 14/8, 14/7, 13/6, 14/7=104 @ 55, banded pu
    Bridget 10/9, 10/10, 10/7, 8/7, 5/7=83 @ 100

  3. Masters
    5 rounds NFT 8 bench, 10 Strict Pull up
    Marcia 48#/RR
    Susan 33/RR
    John 73/BND
    Eileen 35/bnd
    Terry 53/bnd
    Dianne 60/rr

    AMRAP in 8 minutes with a partner
    30 RKBS, 20Stepups, 10 Burpee
    John/Terry 3+35 17 35/26
    Susan/Marcia :) 17 18/35
    Eileen/Dianne 3 17 25/35

  4. 4:30pm
    Yex 10/7 10/8 10/8 10/9 10/10 82@85
    Bhargav 12/14 10/10 10/10 9/10 8/8 103 @ 65/rr
    Rekha 8/6 5/8 6/11 7/11 76@40/rr
    Jill a 4/33 4/24 4/23 2/20 2/27 143Rx PR
    Randy 11/13 10/15 10/15 9/15 9/16 123@125
    Andrew Mc 10/12 15/10 15/12 11/11 10/10 116 @125/bndstrict
    Mike m 10/10 10/11 10/10 10/10 6/11 97@125
    Vinnie O 10/20 7/15 7/16 7/15 5/13 115rx
    Jessie S 10/6 12/7 6/8 10/6 12/5 70@75
    Roberto 11/13 8/10 6/8 7/9 5/9 85rxstrict

  5. 6am

    Jeremy 15/25, 13/19, 13/20, 12/20, 10/20= 167@135
    Brian S 15/10, 13/10, 12/10, 12/9, 11/9= 111 Rx (195#, strict pull-ups)
    Laura Smith 5/11, 5/11, 6/11, 6/11, 5/10= 81@75# (band)
    Manisha 19, 19, 21, 20, 21=100@65#
    Dana D 10/22, 10/23, 10/23, 10/23, 7/10= 47/101@85#
    Meg O 10/27, 10/23, 10/19, 10/17, 10/13= 149
    Matt D 8/17, 8/12, 8/17, 8/15, 12/15= 120@95#
    Jeff G 25/5, 15/4, 10/4, 10/4, 8/4= 89@95#
    Justin C 15, 25, 25, 30, 27= 122 Rx
    Angelo 50, 50, 40, 40, 37= 217 Rx
    Sean S 28, 30, 30, 30, 32=150 Rx

    Sam B 20, 18, 16, 18, 14= 86 Rx
    Anna 20, 20, 20, 21, 23=104 (65#, band)
    Laura Alt. 10/10, 12/12, 13/9, 14/10, 12/11= 113@95#

  6. 5:30/6:30p
    Cline 11/6, 11/4,9/4,9/4,9/4=71@115
    Sam F 10/15/10/15/5/15/8/12/6/13=109@145
    Eva 25,25,16,20,20=96@55/rr
    Gia 17,16,17,13,13=76@75#
    Trini 15,15,18,11,14=74@55/rr
    Kayla 7/37,5/22,4/23,3/18,2/15=136 Rx PR!!
    Adam 12/12,10/10,10/10,5/6,5/5=85 Rx

    Kim 10/6,10/4, 11/7,8/8,10/10=91@55# PR!!
    Hasan 8/8,6/7,6/6,6/7,6/7,=70@145
    Joe 11/15.10/12,6/12,6/12,6/14=104 Rx

    Nice work Kayla, on taking two spots on the Board (Pull-ups/Bench Press)
