
W.O.D. 12.26.18

We are offering a special YOGA class on  Friday 12/28 from 7:30pm- 8:45pm.
It will be 75 minutes. There will be 45 minutes of a vinyasa style asana practice and then 30 minutes of a yoga nidra. This class will help you open up your body and mind. We will begin with a vigorous vinyasa style class to open up all those tights areas of the body - low back, hips and shoulders. We will end the class with a yoga nidra or an extended meditation in savasana. Anyone can benefit form this class. It will be challenging but accessible. And you will leave feeling deeply relaxed and connected. There will be essential oils and a little live music. Bring water and a blanket.
CLICK HERE to sign up.

Partner WOD: 
10 Rounds Total:
10 Calories Row
10 Dumbbell Burpee Deadlift (35/50#)
10 WallBalls (14/20#)
*Alternate full rounds with partner*

  Community Notes:
We are offering the following classes today:
9:30 AM, 12:15 Express, 4:30 and 5:30 PM.
There is FREE babysitting at 9:30 AM

"The secret of getting ahead is getting started."
- Mark Twain


  1. Aimee/Joe S. 15:14 Rx
    Mary H/Jackie H. 24:32,25#
    Kevin H/Rey G. 20:33 Rx
    Donna G/Julie R. 19:51 Rx
    Danielle G./Julia C. 18:55 Rx/30#
    Bec B/Ina S. 23:21, 25#,12#/10#
    Sydney H/Jill H. 24:55,25#/Rx
    Dana D/Laura A. 15:23 Rx
    Jeff P/Jeremy 14:29 Rx
    Jess M/Ben M. 23:54 30#/Rx

    Gordy / Pat H. 17:59,35#

  2. 12:15 EXP

    John K/Pete D. 17:26 Rx
    Subhan K/Tim H. 19:49, 35/50; 5/4
    Alex T. /Alona 21:43 Rx
    Dan M/Randy M. 17:18 Rx
    Josh McV/Alicia 17:30 10#/14#

  3. 4:30
    Matt D / Karen: 23:17 RX/25
    Justin . Sean S: 22:01 RX/SC
    Esra / Raj: 24:12 RX
    Kate P / Wandell: 18:00RX
    Faythe / Steph C: 24:09 25
    Karen M / Mike M: 23:20
    Rekha Tori Bhagav: 25:00 rx /20/10
    Jilla / Nikki M: 18:32 RX
    Neil D / Keith B: 20:12 RX
    Micah: 24: :) solo

    Kayla / Adam 16:11 RX
    Sam B / Angelo ! 16:24 RX
    Michael M / Kim S: 24:00 35/25
    Kyle G / Remer: 18:29 RX
    Caitlyn B / Steph M: 21:32 RX
