
W.O.D. 10.31.18

Happy Halloween!! 
Today is Costume Day! Best Costume gets some FREE gear from the CFKoP Store. 

The Wolverine - Come try your luck at our "house" WOD and get your name on the board. 
For all you endurance (and ab) junkies this is the WOD to come to! 

 What is the WOLVERINE anyway?? 
 6 Rounds for time of: 
 10 Clean and Jerks 135#/95# 
 20 Pull-ups
 100 Sit-ups 
 1 Lyons Loop Run (approx 600M) 

 or the... 

 4 Rounds for time of: 
 10 Clean and Jerks 95#/65# 
 20 Pull-ups 
 50 Sit-ups 
 400M Run

"Enthusiasm is excitement with inspiration, motivation, and a pinch of creativity."
- Bo Bennett


  1. 515, 6, 7am


    King 65:55 Rx
    Theresa 73:45 Rx
    Jafet 65:36 Rx
    Nikki 68:18 Rx
    Justin C 76:45 Rx
    Manisha 44:10 (4 rounds@70#)
    Sean S 59:43 (60# 1-arm db, banded 1-arm pull-ups)
    Dana D 83:00 Rx
    Danielle G 83:00 Rx

    Wolverine Cub !!!
    Holly 36:50 band
    Colleen B 48:55 (85#, final 12 pull-ups subbed RR)
    Mike S 36:36 Rx
    Ben M 34:24 Rx
    Laura Smith 32:02 band, plank
    Susan 26:20 (3 rounds)
    Kevin B 26:20 Rx
    Chip 35:00 (115#, 30 situps)
    Joy C 29:45 (800m runs, 65/65/75/75, 10 pull-ups)
    Matt D 31:28 (65#)
    Anna 36:50 row, band
    Meg O !! Lost Count !!
    Tim P 33:12 Rx+800m runs

  2. Mary H. CUB:30:31,10 pull-ups
    Lucas S. CUB:25:48 Rx
    Chris R. CUB: 31:50,10 banded pu,50/30/30/30 situps
    Donna G. CUB:28:11,10 pu
    Patricia. CUB:31:38,10 pu,10 rr,55#,50/30/30/30 sit-ups

  3. Jenna 65:35 rx
    Chelsey W 63:07 rx
    Matt K 58:28 rx
    Frank 72:56 rx

    Aimee 23:12 (sub 500m row)
    Cate 27:39 (sub row)
    Steph V 28:20 (10 band, 30 su, 1k bike)
    Cate G 27:25 rr
    Bri 26:24 (rr, 45)
    Subhan 30 ish band
    Heather 28:07 band
    Mike M 30:43 (75, band)
    Evie 32:32 95#
    Lea W 34 ish (with the costume!)

    Laura A 30:53 95#
    Adam R 34:24 rx
    Kayla 24:21 95#
    Jill H 33;54 10 rom
    Sydney H 33:54 10 rom
    Amy B 40:16 rr
    Alex Tu 36:18 10 pu
    Mark Sp 35:56 rx

  4. Jamie S 48:53 (5 rds Cub, rr)
    Possum 4 rds wolverine 33:40

  5. 12:15 EXP

    Cal A. 77:58, band pu
    Michael R. 64:44 Rx PR!
    Jonathan T. 67:39 Rx
    John McH 84:29,10 band pu + 10 rr

  6. 530/630/730 Cub
    Alex th. 28:20 10 pull-ups
    Rekha 32:30 25#/35situp/200m
    Greg R 35:50 RR
    Randy 30:32 115#
    Mike c 31:20rx
    Chak 32:10 Rx
    Matt E 37:41
    Gia 30:10 85#
    Dan M 31:30 Rx
    Steph mc 28:28 Rx
    Cait b 31:31 Rx
    Josh P 35:47 band pull-up
    Becky S 35:05
    Sam f 31:57 pull-ups rom
    Garrett D 34:18 65#

    Braden 63:08 Rx
    Alona 70:43 bfly rom
    Samson/Marissa 54:00
    Greg A 65:07 95#
    Cass/Austin 55:45 65/85# band pull-up
    Esra/Raj 58:29 Rx

  7. Alex b/missy 48:14 rr 400m run 65#
