
W.O.D. 10.30.18

10 Rounds for time of:
12 Dumbbell Deadlifts
9 Dumbbell Hang Power Cleans
6 Dumbbell Shoulder to Overhead

(With a partner- each athlete completes a full round prior to switching)
(Women 35#/Men 50#)

Community Notes:
We are hosting a Conjugate Methods Course on February 16th and 17th.
CLICK HERE to find out more and register today.

TOMORROW 10/31 is Halloween dress up day!
Prepare for Wolverine and Costumes---ALL day at CFKOP!
Rolling starts for the Wolverine all day long...

"Start by doing what's necessary; then do what's possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible."
- Francis of Assisi


  1. 7am
    Anna/Alex B/Em G 20/25/20 9:59
    Alex L/Joe C 40/45 9:52

    Cate/Aimee/Evie 35/30/30 6:20
    Mak/Patricia RX/15 12:20

  2. 6a
    DD/Justin C 7:48 Rx/Rx
    Danielle/Theresa L (barbell) 10:23 Rx/Barbell 75#
    Kevin B/Jeremy D 10:16 Rx/Rx
    Sean S/Todd W 10:25 12rds/Scale
    Mike P/Colleen/Laura S 9:45 Rx/Rx/20#
    Nikki M/Jafet 8:20 Rx/Rx
    Mark Sp/Jamie Sp 8:37 45#/Rx

  3. 12:15pm
    Matt T/ Kevin T 8:30 (35)
    Cherie/ Susan 8:26 (20/25)
    Meredith/ Bridget 8:20 (25)
    Cal/ Tim 11:20 (40/45)
    Kevin H/ Carl 8:38 rx

    9/6/3 reps
    Dad/ Gordy 4:48 (20/35)
    Mom/ Dianne 5:50 (15)
    Anne B/ Terry and Ina 6:08 (20)

    2 rds
    Dad 1:31 (25)
    Gordy 1:40 (40)
    Terry 2:44 (25)
    Mom 2:45 (20)
    Anne B 3:06 (25)
    Ina 2:47 (25)
    Dianne 2:38 (20)

  4. Villanova
    Matt/ Tyler 8:47 rx
    Mike/ Albert 10:03 (30/35)
    Bri/ Lauren/ Ashley 9:31 (15-35#)

    Remer/ manny 10:14 (rx/35)
    Donna and Nicole m/ Manisha 8:51 (25)
    Karen m/ Julie 9:59 (30/rx)
    Jonathan/ Cory 7:20 rx

  5. 730
    Neil/Dan/Garrett 8:50 RX/35/30
    Kim/Yasmin 10:41 15/15
    Cline/ari 10:08 35/45

  6. 5:30
    Josh/Jen 7:06 rx
    Andrew/Micah 7:11 rx
    Alex Th./Jill H. 8:39 (25)
    Mike Mc./Sam F. 11:15 (30/35)
    Austin/Cass 9:52 (30/20)
    Rekha/Farrah 12:53 (15)
    Joe S./Randy 11:21 rx
    Adam/Kayla (35/rx)
    Tom H./Alona 10:32 (45/rx)

    Keith/AMM 6:54 (45/25)
    Liz H./Arvind 8:42 (15)
    Steph C./Caitlyn B. 7:03 (20/25)
    Jaz/Jill 8:57 (15/12)
    Braden/Samson (rx/35)
    Michael Ro./Matt B. 9:19 (35/rx)
    Alan/John Mc. 10:15 (15/35)
