
W.O.D. 10.18.18

Congratulations to Julia M on the birth of Márta, she arrived on, 10/17/2018 at 3:44 am, a little earlier than originally expected. 7.7Ibs / 19inches. 💞 Mommy CrossFitted until the end of her pregnancy and both mom and baby are doing great!

AMRAP in 18 Minutes:
20 Ring Dips
30 Hip Extensions
40 Calorie Row
50 Kettlebell Swings (35/55#)

Community Notes:
CrossFit Endurance will meet tonight at 5:45 PM.

"It is better to fail in originality than to succeed in imitation." 
- Herman Melville


  1. 6/7am

    Jafet 2+47 Rx
    Josh P 1+ 136 band 44#
    Mark S 2+12 Superman/ russian
    Jamie S 2+58 paralettes
    Kevin B 2+10 Rx
    Sean s 2+20 Rx
    Colleen 2 band

    Alex B 1+86 band
    Joelle 1+94 band
    Anna 1+97 band
    Lauren H 1+86 band

  2. 830
    Aimee 2+30 rx
    Tim p 2+50 rx
    Evie 2 band dips
    Lea 2+63 band dips
    Cate 2+10 rx
    Jenna 1+130 rx
    Lucas 1+ 130 rx

  3. 12:15
    Tim h 2+2 (10 dips, Russian, Superman)
    Pete d 2+17 rx
    Kevin t 1+122 rx
    Matt t 1+120 (10 ring dips)
    Nicole n 1+106 (par, 20kb)
    Bridget 1+130 (banded dips)
    Carl 2+55 rx
    Kevin h 2+20 rx
    Jonathan t 2+51 rx
    Meredith 2+8 banded dips
    Dan m 1+90 (15 ring dips)
    Rich a 2+50 rx

  4. Masters
    18min amrap
    10 ring dips
    20 hip ext
    30 cal row
    30 kbs

    Gordy 1+130 (44) reg WOD
    Terry 2+60 26#
    Mom 2+21 20#
    Dad 3 35#
    Anne 2+55 (25#, ski)
    Marcia 2+60 (6dips, 18#)
    Laurie 2+36 18#

  5. 430
    Julie R 2+20 (band)
    Jill H 2+ 22 (par, 26, fl)
    Possum 1+125 rx
    Jerry 1+125 (45, band)
    Karen 2 + 16 (par)
    Mike M 1+ 100 (44, band)
    Lucille 1+ 90 (par, 26)
    Donna G 1+ 135 band

    Micah 2+ 40 rx
    JP 2+ 38 rx
    Ryan S 1+ 130 rx
    Josh Mc 2+ 50 (rr, rus)
    Alion 2+47 (band)
    Kate S 1+ 113 (band)
    Alona 2+10 (foss, band)
    Fayth 1+93 (band, 30, par)
    Steph C 2 (26, rom band)
    Chris L 2+ 20 rx
    Greg R 1+ 100 rx
    Todd W 1+ 111 rx
    Suzanne 2 band
    Susan 1+ 99 (band, rom)
    Matt E 1+ 129 (band)

    Caitlyn 1+ 105 (and)
    Mike C 1+ 96 (1 rd w/ band)
    Tom 1+ 120 (45, rom, same band)
    Becky 1+ 126 (box, fl)
    Sarah J 1+ 77 (par, rom)
    Mike R 1+ 128 (rom hip ext)
    Jill R =]
    Kyle G 1+110 rx
    Sam F 1+120 (35)

    Erika 1+ 90 band
    Missy 1+ 77 (band, fl, 30)
