
W.O.D. 9.3.18

For time in Teams of 4 Complete:

800 Meter Run
 400 Double Unders
 300 Air Squats
200 Push Ups
100 Pull Ups
25 Tire Flips
800 Meter Run

 The run is done together.

All members must be back from the run before the middle portion can begin. The middle work will be done as a chipper. All team members can work at the same time and reps can be divided up however they want.

Community Notes: 
Join us TODAY for our Free Family and Friends WOD at 10am!
Free Babysitting will be provided!

"Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do." 
- Pele


  1. Aimee/Danielle/Jen C 34:24
    JillA/Jeremy/Theresa 34:25
    Boys to Men 37:03
    Biscuits 30:26
    Cookies 34:00
    Bad Tire Shirt 36:40
    Dudes after Dark 32:58
    Ninja Warriors 27:02
    The Italians 25:23
    Morally Bankrupt 30:29
    Slay-bor-Day 32:10
    Goldilocks and the three bears 33:58
    The Andrews Kids 28:43
    Team Jonathan 27:18
    The sore Eagles 36:40
    Mt. Misery Sports Club 30:45
    Train for Longevity 25:11

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