
W.O.D. 9.2.18

Take 15 Minutes to find a working 5 RM Overhead Squat

for time:
Run 400 Meters
15 Overhead Squats (65/95#)
Run 400 Meters 
20 Front Squats (65/95#)
Run 400 Meters
35 Back Squats (65/95#)

Community Note:
Join us for Labor Day tomorrow for a FREE Family and Friends WOD at 10am!
There will be FREE Babysitting.

"I have already settled it for myself, so flattery and criticism go down the same drain and I am quite free." 
- Georgia O'Keefe

1 comment:

  1. Laura A 125, 9:25 Rx
    May T 105, 12:54 10# ohs
    Abi M 60#, 12:18 @45
    Mike San form :), 11:36@45/65
    Teri 35, 14:20@22#
    Kat 45, 14:30@35, row 500m

    DD 105, 9:48 Rx
    Megan O, 115, 8:55 Rx
    Raj 135, 12:35 Rx
    Esra 105, 15:10 Rx

    Nice work everyone!
