
W.O.D. 9.27.18

4 Rounds for time of:
400 Meter Run
6 Wall Ascents (6/8ft)
8 Front Squats (125/185#)

*Front Squats are taken from the floor.

Community Notes:
Friday 9/28, the gym will CLOSE at 4:30 PM for our 10 Year Anniversary Gala.

All weekend classes will be held in the Annex, 110 C DeKalb St. Please meet and park on the same side of the Annex.

"Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out." 
-Robert Collier


  1. 930
    Evie 21:56 (4 ascents, 115)
    Patricia 24:33 (4 box, 2 att, 75)
    Nicole n 23:43 (hpc 65, 200m, 17”)
    Emily 24:40 (4 box, 2 att, 60)

  2. 1215
    Tim h 10:28 (20@125,2 rds, 1k bike)
    Remer 18:30 rx
    Rich a 19:03 rx
    Kevin t 24:23 (125)
    Pete 24:29 (150)
    Pam 18:30 (125x20# fs)
    Dana 18:53 (115)
    Bridget 20:14 (75$
    Jp 20:47 rx
    Jonathan 23:00 rx
    Carl 20:59 (165)
    Gia 20:55 (65, 13” box 4, 4 reg)
    Liz 23:58 (60#,13”)
    Karen 21:52 (58 bs x 20)
    Meredith 22:00 (85,13”)
    Steve z 20:39 (26 goblet squat, 500m row, 20 squats)
    Julia 22:15 (bike 15 cal, fs 35 x2, x2 air)

    4 rds
    200m fun
    3 wall ascents
    6 fs

    Dad 11:30 (63, 13”)
    Terry 12:58 (53,13”)
    Robin 14:34 (63)
    Ina 11:06 5 rds 45#
    Laurie 12:30 (23,13”)

  3. 6am, 7am

    Kevin B 20:14, 135#
    Lukas 23:45, 155
    Ricardo 27:56, ??
    Jafet 20:18, 165
    Sean S 23:38 Rx
    Josh P 24:04, 135
    Mike S 22:36, 75#/6'wall
    Todd W 21:56, 45# dumbells, 6' wall
    Mark Chua 22:28, 135, 6'
    Theresa 23:16, 105
    Danielle G 24:48, 115, 6'x3 per round
    Jamie S 19:36 Rx
    Colleen 25:42, 105, 6'x4 per round with 13" box
    Matt D 19:24 6'x4 per round, 100#

    Nikki 11:59 (3 rounds only) Rx
    Alex B 24:39, 75#, 13" box
    Anna 19:16 65#, 4x(500m row, 12rr, 8 front sqts)
    Joe C 23:40, 135
    Joelle 21:18, 75

  4. 4:30/5:30
    Cal 24:24 185# Back Squat
    Tim P 16:25 95#
    JillA 24:16 8ft wall attempts
    Esra 23:06 105# (13"/3)
    Dung 26:06 70# 13"
    Vinny G 23:48 85# 6ft
    Karen M 24:49 105# 13"
    Julie R 21:10 (2/200M) 6,4(s) 85#
    Raj 21:40 3 attempts wall
    Possum 18:38 rx
    Donna 18:52 80# 13" box

    Shawna 20:59 3 rds
    Micah 25:25 rx
    Suzanne 26:20 13"box/ 85#
    Austin 29:20 95#
    Cals 22:46 75#
    Kate S 25:15 75#
    Farrah 22:43 200 M 45# jumping PU
    Michael R 22:05 135#
    Trini 23:47 45# Jumping PU
    Andrew M 21:56 Rx
    Tim H 24:27 125#
    Twinnie 27:00 (extra 400M)
    Laura A 25:12 Rx
    Alex T 25:12 75#
    Noel 22:29 135#
    Sam F 23:45 105#

  5. 6:30
    Caitlyn B. 29:33 (85/wall att) (1st time over wall!)
    Kim 28:38 (35)
    Steph C. 31:09 (75)
    Sarah 31:46 (65/13"box)
    Chak 28:52 (115/6')
    Erik F. 29:49 (115)

    Jamie O. 20:10 (85/13"box)
    Greg H. 20:45 (135)
