
W.O.D. 9.22.18

Join us at 9:00 AM TODAY to kick off our Nutrition Reset!

Back Squat

Cash out:
For time:
800 Meter Run
50 Wallballs (14/20#) to 9/10ft

"There is no substitute for hard work. Never give up. Never stop believing. Never stop fighting."
- Hope Hicks

1 comment:

  1. 9:00

    Alex 150 8:40 Rx
    Dan 265 6:31 Rx
    Donna 135 7:12 12#
    Dung 145 8:04 12#
    Jamie 225 5:15 Rx
    Mark 235 6:10 Rx
    Missy 135 8:51 10# 8'


    Cline 165 7:55 16#
    Noel 245 6:31 Rx
    Bev 80 8:22
    Steph C 115 8:12 Rx
    Becky 105 6:00 Rx
    Phani 195 7:25 Rx
    Chak 195 7:42 Rx
    Mike Ro 235 5:54 Rx
    Todd 205 7:18
    Jaimie O 125 7:25 10#
    Tori ........
