
W.O.D. 9.23.18

Jenna and Laura A at the GoG competition at CFDel Val!

Partner WOD: 
For Time: 
100 Alt. Dumbbell Snatch (35/50#) 
400 Double Unders 
100 Alt. Dumbbell Snatch (35/50#) 

*Break up the reps as needed b/t partners, one partner works at a time*

"Opportunities are usually disguised as hard work, so most people don't recognize them." 
- Ann Landers

1 comment:

  1. "Spak Attack" Mark & Jamie 16:57 Rx
    Alex & Missy 19:13 (Alex: 25#, 75 DU; Missy: 20#, 200 SU)
    Anne & Mae 14:27 (Mae: DB Thruster, SU; Anne: situp (sub DU))
    Danielle & Rahmon & Michael D 19:26

    Chuck & Phani 15:31 (35#, Chuck: su)
    Raj & Esra 21:19 Rx
    Matt D & Justin 10:59 (Matt: 30#, SU)
    Matt E & Tom H 18:31 (40#, DUA)
    Kim & Meg 16:10 (Meg: 25#, situp (sub DU); Kim: 20#, SU)
    Neil & Brian S 12:54 (Neil: 100 SU; Brian: 100 DU)
