
W.O.D. 9.14.18

For time:
Run 400 Meters
21 Thrusters (65/95#)
21 Pull-ups
Run 400 Meters
15 Thrusters (65/95#)
15 Pull-ups
Run 400 Meters
9 Thrusters (65/95#)
9 Pull-ups

"One way to keep momentum going is to have constantly greater goals." 
- Michael Korda


  1. 9:30am
    Cate 14:32 rx
    Braden 12:13 rx
    Michael R 11:57 (35# db)
    Jess A 21:46 (band, row, 45#)
    Meredith 19:14 (rom pu)
    Mary H 20:43 (55, row)
    Jackie H 17:17 (row, 55, pu/rr)
    Lesley 18:19 (45, 17" box, 200m run, rr)
    Tori 17:32 (55, ball)

  2. 12:15
    Cherie 17:27 band 40#
    JP 12:18 Rx
    Pam 10:31 30#DB GHD setup
    Pete D 14:13 10 PU per rd
    Cal 16:00 rom PU 75# row 500M
    Matt T 13:08 75#
    Kevin H 12:51 rx
    Micah 14:14 rx
    Jonathan T 12:45 rx

  3. Villanova
    Meghan 16:05 (35, rr, 200m once)
    Cardon 13:58 (35, rr)
    Annie 14:28 (33, rr)
    Mike 14:00 (65, band)
    Mark 13:34 (75)
    Bethany 13:48 (55, band)
    Cate 12:50 (55, band)
    Matt 11:07 rx
    Benson 15:26 (65, band)
    Madeline 13:19 (35, rr)
    Heather 11:08 (35, rr)
    Frank 13:12 rx
    Tyler 11:54 (75)

  4. 5:15a/6a
    Jeremy D 12:08 Rx
    Theresa L 14:15 Rx
    Kevin B 12:50 Rx
    Ashley :)
    Jamie 14:31 35#/RR
    Ben M :)
    Nikki 10:01 Rx
    Laura S 17:59 Pull up Att/55#
    Susan A 15:20 50#
    Kat 15:26 500m Row/35#/rr
    Ellie 15:20 RR
    Holly F 14:21 45#
    Sean S 11:46 Rx

    Lucas 15:31 Rx
    Kevin L 15:31 Rx
    Colleen 13:25 rr/FS
    Sam 11:25 rr
    Brian S 11:33 Rx
    Todd W 14:35 65/rr

  5. 3:30
    Teri S. 12:10 (rr, 35#, 300m row)
    Dave H. 15:09 rx
    Remer 9:50 rx
    Dana 11:33 rx
    Gia 15:35 (55#, 15/10/5 pu)
    Nicole M. 14:08 (25#db, rr)
    John T. 14:53 (80#, band)

    Andrew M. 9:40 C2B
    Alona 14:51 rx
    Rich A. 10:52 rx
    Grace 14:00 (45#)
    Jonathan B. 15:46 (85#)
    Randy 12:34 rx
    Shawna 15:34 (45#, rr)
    Kate S. 13:04 (55#, 15/10/5 pu)
    Jen H. 16:30 (35#, rr)
    Alex Tu. 15:57 (70#, 15/10/5 pu)

  6. Matt D: 13:02 55
    Meg 0: :) row, snatch, strict
    LA: 13:32 RX
    Matt: 16:51 65
    Missy: 18:18 50 rr
    Alex B: 15:05 55 rr
    Esra: 19:12 1/2 pullup
    Raj: 15:12 1/2
    Karen: 15:50 40 rr
    Jaz: 18:17 53 rr
    Emily G: 16:48 50 rr
    Justin C: 14:30 50# DB

    Jilla: 12:10 RX
    Trini: 19:00 35, RR
    Mike M: 17:40 65 RR
    Liz H: 17:59 35 ring-row
    Alex T: 14:09 55. 15-10-5
    Joe S: 10:11 RX
    Rob: 19:45 75

    May: 13:07 15 RR 200m
    Steph C: 17:41 55
    Amanda W: 17:19 35 RR
