
Nutrition Reset - InBody

It's time to meet the new girl in town, no not the one in the picture, the InBody scanner!!!

It's time for a Nutrition Reset before the holidays. Are you ready to clean up your nutrition and hit the ground running with the support of your community?

 On Saturday, 9/22, we will be starting a NUTRITION RESET along with the help of InBody....to assist in getting you back on track! We will have three levels to choose from to give you a better guide for your reset.

We will also be introducing our NEW INBODY SCALE!

Check- out all of the details below:
Kick- Off: 9/22 at 9:00AM. Step on the InBody scale with Aimee and Jenna

Lecture: 9/22 at 10:00AM with Coach Aimee, she will be speaking on the logistics of the reset and give you info and tips to help get you started.

Buy- In: $50 for first and last measurement on the InBody scale, lecture, and leveled tiers.

End and Retest: 10/21 at 10:00 am

Tiers: Level 1- Cookie Monster...Not sure where to start? Choose and eliminate one (or two) of the following: - Alcohol, sugar, dairy, gluten

Level 2- Do you need more fruits and veggies in your life? Eat 800g of Fruits and Veggies each day 

Level 3- Did you forget where you put your scale? Weigh and Measure your food through zone or macros (we can provide you numbers)

And...the GRAND FINALE....the really good news, we will allow for one CHEAT weekend in this challenge, 9/28-9/30. Yep, you are allow to cheat for the gala weekend. No judgement no excuses, just go for it!

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