
W.O.D. 8.9.18

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EMOTM - Every Minute on the Minute for 10 Minutes
10 Wallballs (14/20 to 9/10ft target) + 10 Burpees
then, immediately following...
during a 5 minute clock, establish a 1 RM Clean (power or squat, your choice)

Coaches Notes:
Scale the number of Wallballs and Burpees if you are unable to complete them under a minute for sequential rounds.

Community Note:
We will be holding the Bridgeport Barbell Club Classic (Olympic Lifting-Snatch and Clean and Jerk) in the main gym on  Sunday, 8/12, please stop by to spectate.  Classes will be held in the Annex on Sunday.

"Failure will never overtake me if my determination to succeed is strong enough."
 - Og Mandino


  1. 6am
    Justin =)/ 235
    Dana d 8/ 4+3 (3 cleans+ 20 sit ups)
    Megan o 8/ 160
    Dan o 6/ 125
    Jb =)/ 150
    Sean 8/ 205
    Becky 7/ 115
    Kevin b 8/ 200 pr!
    Taylor 8/ 245

    Nikki rx/ 155
    Jp 8-7-6/ 225
    Alex b 6/ 100 pr
    Matt d 6/ 125 (140 pr later!!!)
    Anna c 6/ 85
    Esra 6 (8 rds)/ 125
    Rich a 8/ 285

  2. 830
    Aimee 10-6,8-4 rds/ 170
    Jenna 8/ 160
    Jilla 8 for 9rds/ 175

    Emily 7-3rds,6- 7rds (10#)/ 60#
    Julie r 10-2,8-2,7-6 rds/ 145
    Cam h 10-1, 7-2, =) (18#)/ 145
    Sydney h =)/ 125
    Mark sp 10-2,8-2,6-6/ 195
    Nicole m 8-3,7-2,6-5 (12#)/ 115

  3. 1215
    Pam 10 fs/ 165
    Tim 5/ 175
    Matt t 6/ 155
    Cal 7 rom/ 215
    Susan 2-10,2-8,6-6/ 95
    Jess 6 rom/ 205
    Steph v 8-5,2-4 sc rom/ 153
    Randy 10-5,10-6/ 185
    Pete d 9-6,8-4 rom/ 155
    Kevin h 4-7,6-6/ 195
    Steph c 7-5,6-5/ 105

    1pm masters
    Anne b 18:08 band/15#
    Teri s 16:18 band/10# (2 rds both)

    2 rds
    20 ski
    20 seated db press

    4 rds
    10 pull ups
    20 ain’t ups

  4. 430
    Josh mc 10-4,8-6/ 205
    Karen m 8-3,6-7/ 155 fs
    Kyara 7-2,6-8/ 90
    Mike m 7-5,6-4 (14#)/ 175
    Anna l 10-6,8-4/ 175
    Raj 6-6,5-4/ 165
    Neil do 8-3,7-6/ 275
    Joe m 7-5,5-2,4-3/ 175
    Fayth 6-6,5-4/ 115
    Alex l 10-8-6/ 155
    Lea 9-5,6-5/ 145

  5. 530
    Braden 10-5, 6-5/ 205
    Joe sm 10-6, 8-2, 6-2/ 245
    Andrew m rx/ 240
    Kate sp 8-6, 7-3/ 125
    Adam s 10-5, 1-8, 4-6 (18#)/ 65
    Matt b 7-6, 6-2, 5-2/ 205
    Shawna 7-2, 6-1, 5-7/ 105
    Brian z 10-7, 8-2, 6-1/ 75
