
W.O.D. 8.10.18

3 Rounds for time of:
10 Hang Power Cleans (135/205#)
7 Ring Muscle Ups
21 Pistols

Community Notes:
We will be holding the Bridgeport Barbell Club Classic (Olympic Lifting-Snatch and Clean and Jerk) in the main gym on  Sunday, 8/12, please stop by to spectate. Classes will be held in the Annex.

Join Tori for a special YOGA class upstairs in the Annex on Saturday, August 11th at 11:00 AM.

"Change your life today. Don't gamble on the future, act now, without delay." 
 - Simone de Beauvoir


  1. 930
    Keith 17:16 rx
    Taylor 12:35 (13+pl, 185)
    Kevin h 14:51 (5mu, 135, 13+ box)
    Mary h 13:46 (85, pu/dip, 17” box)
    Julie r 12:44 (115,trans/dip, box)
    Suzanne 16:37 (75, trans, ball pistol)
    Ina 13:34 (35, band pu, 20” box)
    Mike r 12:33 (185 dl, dip/pu, plate)
    Mike c 11:27 (105 trans, dip, 1” box)
    Jess a 16:23 (85, trans, dip, toe pistol)
    Kevin b 11:37 (135, jmu)
    Abby 9:30 (55, band, pu/dip)
    Jackie h 13:48 (105, rr/dip)

  2. 1215
    Laura a 16:29 (115, trans/ att)
    Jen 12:35 (69, box, trans)
    Callum 17:21 (136, trans, ball+pl)
    Tim h 14:49 (135, trans/ band)
    Jonathan t 16:00 (155, trans)

  3. Steph v 9:27 115/bndpull&benchdip/20box

  4. 330
    Kevin t 16:27 125 mua
    Lydia 12:49 75/bndstrctpull&bnd dip/ftbehind
    Nicole m 12:58 85/bndstrpull&bnddip/ftbhnd
    Neil do 14:22 205/pullup&dip/17in box
    Danielle g 13:50 125/bndstpull&bnddip/rom

  5. 430
    Mike m 15:30 115/jmu/ski
    Josh m 12:23 165/scpistol
    Andrew m 10:41rx
    Caitlyn b 16:03 95/strctbndpull&bnddip/Ball
    Jenna k 17:39 125/3-5-7
    Alona k 15:10 115/jmu/plate
    Jill a 13:01rx
    Alex tu 16:16 105/trans+dip/plate

  6. 530
    Kyara 14:43 (band dip/pu, curt, 70)
    Neil 17:57 (5 dip/ pu, 185)
    Steph c 11:31 (75, dip/ pu, ball)
    Noel 14:09 (135)
    Kat 15:35 (65, trans/ dip, curt)
    Matt e 16:52 (box, 185, pu/dip)
    Marissa 14:31 (pu/dip, 105)

    Jeff p 10:28 rx
    Gia 12:11 (trans/ dip, 70, ball)
    Dan m 15:21 (3 ring mu, 135, rom)
    Mae 12:01 (73, rr, box)

  7. 5:15/6a
    Jamie Sp 11:30 155 DL/RR+incline Push ups
    Holly F 11:52 75/RR+Dips/Scale Pistols
    Brian S 13:45 165/RR+Dips/Scale Pistols
    Jeremy D 12:35 155/RR+Dips/Scale Pistols
    Mark Sp 15:37 135/RR+Dips/Scale Pistols
    Mike San 19:14 115/RR+Dips/Scale Pistols

    Justin C 16:30 135 Pwr Snatch/Walk Lunges
    Megan O 16:03 box transitions/walk lunge
    Dana D 17:17 DU/BMU/Walk Lunge
    Sean S 19:44 155/RMU att
    Dung 17:33 65/RR+Dips/Scale Pistols
    Jeff 17:58 75/RR+Dips/Scale Pistols
