
W.O.D. 8.6.18


"The BEAR Complex" 
 You have 5 rounds to find your max weight at: 
Power Clean 
Front Squat 
Push Press 
Back Squat 
Push Press 
These exercises must be done in succession without putting the bar down for seven times through the sequence. You may rest as needed between rounds. Contact with the floor must be touch-and go during sequences. Rest anywhere but the floor. Record weight for all 5 rounds. 

Click Here to compare to results from 2.15.18
Click Here to compare to results from 5.10.18

Community Note:
Join us on Wednesday, 8/8 for Bootcamp at 5:30pm

"Good, better, best. Never let it rest. 'Til your good is better and your better is best." 
 - St. Jerome


  1. 5:15a
    Jeremy D 65-75-95-125-95
    Brian S 95-115-125-105-95
    Kevin B 115-95-95-75-65
    Mike San 70-80-90-100 (PR)-75
    King 95-115-135(x)-115-95
    Sean S 125-145-165(x)-155(x)-125
    Susan A 65-70-75(x)-70(x)-65

    Nice work, early AM crew!

  2. 6am
    Manisha 55-65-65
    Mark S 75-95-115PR-125-95
    Jamie S BC75 then DL/PWRCLN/HNGPWRCLN/FS/FS 95/105/115x/95

    Laura S 33-55-70PR-75PR-65
    Kevin L 65085-95x-105x-95
    Neil Do 75-95-115-135PR-95
    Anna C PWRCLN/FS/PP/FS/PP 33/55/65x


  3. 930
    Suzanne 55/60/65/70/75/80(3)
    Julie r 55/65/75/85/95(6)
    Barb z 15/25/35/40/45 (17” box)
    Cam h 75/85/95/105/115/120/125
    Jonathan t 75/95/135/145(4)/145(6)
    Now s 95/115/175
    Danielle g 75/95/100x/75/65

  4. 430
    Jilla 65/95/110x/105x/ 75
    Jp 75/95/115/135x/115
    Tim w 75/95/135/115 welcome back!!
    Alex tun65/75/85x
    McHugh “did Work”- 90
    Mark c 75/95/105/120 pr
    Mark p 95/105/115/125

  5. 5:30
    Braden 75-95-115-125-95
    Karen SA Dbell 25-30-35-40-x
    Shawna 55-65-80x-65-x
    Keith 75rx-95-115-135 (cluster)
    Laura 55-75-95-105(5)-100(6)
    Rob 75-95-115-115(5)-115(5)
    Kyara 55-55-55-65-70(4)
    Steph 55-65-75-55-x
    Fayth 55-65-77x-75x-x
    Matt 75-95-105-105-115
    Jeff 45-95-115-135-155(4)

  6. 630
    Marissa 55/75/95/85/55
    Cherie 35/40/45/50
    Brian z 75/95/115x/95/95
    Caitlyn 55/60/65/70x
    Erik 65/75/85/95/110x
    Joe m 65/75/85/95
    Michal :)
    Greg 75/85/95/100
    Courtney 65/75/80/85x/85x
    Julius 35/35/35/35/35
    Becky 55/65/70/75x/70
    Monsoor 105
    Adam 75/85/95/115/135

  7. BAC Dudes After Dark!

    Greg 75/85NR/85 PR!/95NR/95NR
    Alan 15/35/35/35/35 (Hang)
    Esra 55/70/75/80NR/80 PR!
    Michael Roth 65/75/85PR!/95NR
    Dave 75/95/105/115/tired
    Kate S 65/70/75 PR!/70/70
    Chuck 75/85/95/105 PR!/115 NR
    Phani 65/75/95/105/115 PR!
    Neil 75/95/115/135 PR!/65
    Nancy 35/45/50/55 Pr!/45
    Adam 75/95/105 PR!/95/75
    Missy 55/60/65/65 PR!/55
    Matt 37/47/57/57/62 PR!
    Alex 55/60/65/70/75 PR!
    Emily 50/55/60/60/60 PR!

  8. 12:15pm
    taylor 75-95-115-135x-135x
    Nikki M 55-65-75-85-95x-65
    Abby M 35-45-50-55-45
    Mary H 33-55-65-70-55
    Kevin t 65-75-105x-105
    Tim h 75-95-115x-110x-100x
    Alona K 55-65-75-85-90PR!
    Dana D 55-65-75-85x-65
    Pete d 65-75-85
    Julia M 15-35-45-35-15
    Cal A 75-95-115-135-145

    John t 75-85-100-110-120
    Holly F 33-55-60-65-55
    Nicole M 55-65-70-75-55
    Evie B 65-95-110-115x-105x
