
W.O.D. 8.25.18

AMRAP in 15 Minutes:
20 Ab-mat Sit-ups
30 Single-arm Dumbbell Push Jerks (35/50#)*
(*switch every 5 DB Push Jerks)
40 Double Unders

Community Note:
All weekend classes will be held in the Annex (110C DeKalb). Meet and park there; on the same side as the Annex.

"Follow your passion, be prepared to work hard and sacrifice, and, above all, don't let anyone limit your dreams."
- Donovan Bailey


  1. 10am
    noel 3+30 30du
    Mariana 4+33 30#
    Pam G 4+1 Rx (1 arm)
    Dana D 4+87 Rx
    Chak 4+42 DUA/40
    Mike Ro 4+38 40#
    Caitlyn 4+37 25#

  2. 9a
    Alona 4+42 Rx
    Laura S 3+4 30#/25DU/Russ twist
    Danielle L 4+74 Rx - Thanks for dropping in!
    Colleen 5+26 30#
    Adam S 5+31 35#
    Randy 4+15 45#
    Brian S 4+4 1min DUA
    Matt E 5+16 40#
    Dianne M 4+5 15#/Russ twist/40s SU
    Neil D 3+70 Rx
    Jen H 3+80 20/15DU
    Matt D 4+37 30#/2x SU
    Josh 4+30 40#
    Kevin L 3+16 rx
    Nikki M 5+38 Rx
    Ellie 4+18 Rx
