
W.O.D. 8.23.18

for time:
Ring Muscle- Ups
Squat Snatch (95/135#)

Community Notes:
Join us TOMORROW (Friday, 8/24) for 4:30pm Bootcamp!

"If you're walking down the right path and you're willing to keep walking, eventually you'll make progress."
- Barack Obama


  1. 930
    Anna l 8:29 rx
    Steph v 10:40 (box dips, band pu, 83)
    Rahmon 9:40 (trans/ dip ft on box, 65)

  2. 6am

    Ellie 9:52 65#, c2b att
    Jamie S 7:49 (squat clean, ring row scale)
    Mark S 9:29 95#, trans
    Dana D 9:39 75#, trans
    Matt D 10:04 45#
    Taylor 8:47 Rx
    Justin C 9:14 Rx
    Kevin B 7:52 95#, jmu

    Nikki 9:39 85#, emu, trans
    Colleen 7:52, 55#, RR, trans
    Anna 7:19 15#, dips

  3. 630
    Josh mc 7:18 (115)
    Greg a 12:03 (80, trans/ dip)
    Hasan 7:00 (75, trans)
    Mike c 7:42 (75, trans + dips)
    Cherie 9:29 (33, trans)

    Jeff p 6:34 rx
    Dan m 7:35 (95, 4/3/2 att)

  4. 4:30p/5:30p
    Karen M 8:05 Back Sq 135/RR+Dips
    Mike Re 9:40 Rx
    Steph M 8:55 75/Box MU
    Fayth 8:35 55/RR+dips
    Steph C 9:53 55/RR+Dips
    Kevin L 12:24 65/DNF last round
    Alex T 10:22 65/Box MU
    Rich 8:29 Rx
    Cal 8:06 115/RR+Dips

    Andrew M 4:33 Rx PR!!
    Braden 8:00 135#
    Joe S 6:18 Rx * on the Board
    Adam R 7:30 115/Box MU
    Jen C 6:21 RR+Dips
    Shawna 8:40 65/RR+Dips
    Sam F 7:56 75/Box MU
