
W.O.D. 8.16.18

For time:
100 Double Unders
30 Deadlifts (105/155#)
100 Double Unders
30 Hang Power Cleans (105/155#)
100 Double Unders
30 Push Jerks (105/155#)

Community Note:
All weekend classes will be held in the Annex (110C DeKalb). Meet and park there; on the same side as the Annex.

"Failures, repeated failures, are finger posts on the road to achievement. One fails forward toward success."
- C. S. Lewis


  1. 830
    Aimee 12:19 (30# db)
    Jenna 15:43 (95)
    Steph 16:16 (150 su, 83)

    Emily G 13:32 (60/ 150 su)
    Rahmone 14:33 (65, 150 su)

  2. 1215
    Jilla 14:18 rx
    Tim h 17:30 (125, 11 jerks, 25 du)
    Steph c 14:54 (70)
    Joelle 15:50 (55, 50 su+ du)
    Alex th 16:21 (65, 50 du)
    Micah 14:00 (125)
    Kevin t 13:49 (105)
    Kevin h 11:39 (115)
    Jessie 16:54 (70)
    Pam g 16:17 rx
    Gordy 15:53 (115)
    Kyara 14:57 (75/75/60 du, 75#)
    Meredith 16:31 (75, 2:00 du)

  3. Masters
    2:00 cardio
    30 dl
    2:00 cardio
    30 hpc
    2:00 cardio
    15 push jerks

    Barb z 12:19 (53, row)
    Terry j 12:19 (53, su/du)
    Teri s 11:40 (55/15, su/ski)
    Anne b 10:24 (ski, 15# db)
    Dianne 10:40 (35, su/dua)

  4. 430
    Taylor 10:48 rx
    Dana d 13:42 (105 trap bar, 85)
    Joe c 18:08 (125)
    Joe m 17:29 (95, 50 du)
    Ina 15:58 (85 dl, 35#, 100/100/75)
    Lydia 17:27 (60, 2:00dua)
    John t 12:53 (95, 50 su)
    Mike m 15:55 (95, 100 su+ 20du)
    Neil do 19:07 rx
    Anna l 10:47 rx

  5. 530
    Adam r 15:15 (115, 50#)
    Andrew m 10:14 rx
    Jen c 15:10 rx
    Joe s 18:21 rx
    Randy 13:40 (115)
    Jonathan 17:50 (95/65, 50du)
    Matt e 15:20 (135)
    Shawna 18:31 (75, 40du)

    Jonathan t 21:24 (su)
    Gia 17:47 (75, 50du)
    Alan 14:47 (2:00 ski, 45)
    Caitlyn b 17:21 (75)
    Kate s 16:23 (75, 2:00)
    Adam s 15:36 (95)
    Abby 14:05 (50,2:00)
    Erika 13:35 (75#, 2:00)
    Nicole m 13:28!(75, 2:00)
    Braden 15:39 (135)
    Dan m 17:42 (105, 75 du)

    Matt b =)
    Mike r 16:20 (135, 45# db)
    Chak 14:58 (105, 2:00)
    Phani 14:23 (115, 2:00)

  6. 6am 7am

    A deceivingly tough one here today, nice work morning crew staying on it and keeping moving thru all of the lifts.

    Josh 14:00 95# (su/att)
    Jeff G 18:20 65# (su)
    Jason L 13:53 115#
    Mark Sp 22:30 --
    Mike S 22:57 95#
    Colleen 16:57 85#
    Nikki 12:25 Rx
    Theresa 13:52 95#
    Becky S. 14:54 70#
    Jamie S 11:42 105/55
    Danielle G 16:05 60#
    Sean S 19:54 Rx

    Justin C 13:44 Rx
    Meg O 13:15 Rx
    Lauren H 20:20 Rx
    Jazmin 13:28 65#
    Alex B 15:28 75#DUA
    Laura Smith 18:26 75#(50 du)
    Matt D 13:13 155/75
    Anna 16:09 65#
