
W.O.D. 8.15.18

Handstand Push-ups
Ring Dips

In honor of Navy Petty Officer 1st Class Jeff Taylor, 30, of Little Creek, VA who was killed in Afghanistan. 

"A dream becomes a goal when action is taken toward its achievement." 
- Bo Bennett


  1. 515 / 6:00 / 7:00

    Brian S 11:39 Rx
    Sean S 18:46 Rx
    Jeremy 12:05 Rx
    King 14:44 Rx
    Dana D 17:56 Rx
    Manisha 22:08 scale
    Holly 12:51 scale
    Ben M 21:53 (2abm, band)

    Meg O 7:12 Rx
    Jeff G 17:37 scale
    Colleen 15:16 scale
    Nikki 15:01 ring pushups, scale

    Laura Smith 16:40 scaled
    Matt D 17:07 scaled
    Sam B 14:$4 hspu rom/2 abmats
    Anna 17:04 box/band
    Jess M 14:54 scale
    Alex B 15:11 scale

  2. 9:30

    Jackie H. 21:00,db press 20#,band
    Mary H. 22:25,2 abm(21-8-4),band,box
    Patricia P. 20:42,3/4 abm strict,band,box
    Lesley B. 20:35,10-6-3,ww,band,box

  3. 12:15 EXP

    Lea W. 13:49,12-7-4,2 abm,rom
    Kevin H. 12:21 Rx
    Tim H. 24”box,1/2 ring dips,snake
    Nikki M. 13:15 Rx + all strict!!!
    Cameron H. 15:13,3 abm,band
    Meredith H. 13:29,2 abm,band
    Matt T. 9:44 20# db press,45# db rows
    Pete D. 10:31 Rx
    Taylor 13:48 Rx

  4. 4:30pm
    Jenna K 20:00 Rx
    Cal A 17:18 3abm box
    Kevin T 12:57 Rx
    Mike M 14:25 Scaled af
    John T 14:53 sb banded
    Lydia 18:09 box hspu box dip inc push-up
    Josh M 8:01 Rx
    Possum 14:58 Rx
    Anna L 12:27 Rx
    Manny R 20:37 3abm box
    Chip 18:11 sc
    Alex Tu 19:05 sb/ft box/ inc

  5. Dung 16:33 SB/Boxdip/Inc
    Ryan S 13:00 2abm
    Joe S 13:11 rx
    Brian Z 15:58 2abm
    Marissa 14:53 2abm/bnd/sn
    Shawna 18:37 SeatDBPress20/Ft.Box/Inc
    Greg A 20:30 2abm/ftbox/sn
    Sam F onearmseatDB/RR
    Kat B 14:51 SeatDBPr/Ft.Box/Inc
    Caitlyn B 15:36 2abm/bnd/sn
    JP 12:59rx
    Steph m 11:35 2abm/bnd/sn
    Noel S 16:14 2abm
    Adam 15:24rx
    Randy 20:14 2abm/ftbox/sn
    Mariana 15:22 2abm/ftbox/sn
    Braden 14:47 Rx
    Lana A 15:45 ftbox
