
W.O.D. 8.14.18

Test Day- Record Results
For Time:
30 Snatches (95/135)

CLICK HERE to compare to 2.19.18
CLICK HERE to compare to 5.4.18

Cash- Out:
Timed 800 Meter Run

Community Note:
Join us TODAY for Bootcamp at 5:15am!

All weekend classes will be held in the Annex (110C DeKalb) on Saturday, August 18th
Classes will be in the main gym on Sunday, May 6th.

"Happiness lies in the joy of achievement and the thrill of creative effort." 
- Franklin D. Roosevelt


  1. 6am
    Theresa 3:20 (75)/4:09
    Mark sp 3:09 (95)/ 3:02
    Jamie 2:23 (60 lunges)/ 3:21
    Dana d =)/ 3:03
    Mike San 2:01 (75)/ 3:47
    Justin 4:46rx/ 3:39
    Megan o 3:42 rx/ 3:34
    Danielle g 3:27 (85)/ 4:19
    Jeff g 4:50 (95/65)/ 4:20
    Josh p 3:21 (95)/ 3:30
    Nikki 2:48 (85)

  2. 7am
    Anna c 2:36 (55)/ 3:10 (400m)
    Phani 3:26 (85)/ 3:50
    Matt d 2:13 (55)/ 3:11
    Taylor 3:27rx/ 3:40
    Jaz 4:40 (65/55)/ 4:32
    Raj 2:38 (85)/ 4:38
    Sam b 1:55 (115)/ 3:30 (850m)

  3. Jackie h 2:52 80 4:22row
    Julie 3:34 75 4:03
    Emily 3:03 50 4:20
    Cameron 4:14 85 4:04
    Jess a 4:18 55 4:46 bike (1.5m)

  4. Express
    Tim h 3:51 (95)/ 4:30
    Matt t 3:30 (115) cleans/ 3:20
    Susan a 4:30 (65)/ 3:42
    Kyara 4:27 (65)/ 4:50 (1k row)
    Kevin t 4:10 (95)/ 3:30
    Pam 3:19 (135 clean)/ 3:09
    Alex t 3:39 (55)/ 4:25

    3 rds
    500m row
    10 pwr snatch
    20 sit ups

    Terry 14:52 (35/45)
    Dad 14:00 (53)
    Mom 14:48 (25)
    Dianne 16:40 (23, knee raise)
    Barb z 16:17 (45)
    Barb c 15:47 (25)

  5. 430
    AMM 2:54 (65)
    Jilla 2:53 pr!
    Cal 4:04 (115/125)/ 3:26
    McHugh 3:11 (85)/ 3:28
    Manisha 2:42 (55)/ 4:07
    Joe M 2:37 (85)/ 3:35
    Mike Mit 3:12 (85)
    Mark P 2:36 (115)/ 4:02
    Vinnie 3:22 (75)/ 3:24

  6. 7:30p
    Neil D 4:04 Rx/4:05
    Rahmond 3:25@55#/2:51
    Abi M 2:16@40# PR,/4:21
    Erika R 2:32@65#/4:30
    Marissa A 2:35@65 PR,/3:30
    Dave N 3:48@115/3:18

  7. 5:30
    Braden 3:38 (115)/2:44
    Chak 5:00 (95)/3:20
    Joe S. 2:53 RX/3:10
    Andrew M. 3:05 RX/3:09
    Shawna 3:24 (65)/4:41
    Steph M. 3:19 (65)/3:53
    Mike Mc. 2:00 (50)/3:30
    Josh Mc. 5:38 RX/2:58
    Samson 2:54 (95)PR!/3:31
    Brian Z. 4:12 (95)/3:38
    Randy 4:47 (105)PR!/2:52
    Adam 2:34 (95)PR!/3:26
    Jeff P. 4:03 RX PR!/3:19
    Matt B. 1:41 power clean (135)/4:17
    Mariana 2:47 (70)/3:55

    Caitlyn B. 3:55 (65)/3:55
    Marshall (drop in) 3:53 RX/3:45
    Jonathan 3:24 RX/3:33
    Dan M. 2:17 (95)PR!/3:24
    Cline 2:50 (75)/3:48
    Jen C. 3:08 RX PR!/3:39
    Alan 3:18 hang (35)/4:47 (800 m ski)
    Sam F. 1:58 (45# DB left arm)/3:17
