
W.O.D. 7.16.18

Congratulations to Donna on the birth of Jolene!
Mama and baby are doing amazing, baby girl was born early on Sunday morning weighing 7 lbs 9 oz. Donna CrossFittted consistently throughout her pregnancy. We couldn't be happier to welcome this little bundle of joy!

For time:
50 Calorie Row
5 Rope Climbs (20ft)
40 Calorie Row
4 Rope Climbs (20ft)
30 Calorie Row
3 Rope Climbs (20ft)
20 Calorie Row
2 Rope Climbs (20ft)
10 Calorie Row
1 Rope Climbs (20ft)

Community Notes:
Join us tomorrow, Tuesday July 17th at 5:15am for BOOTCAMP!

“Courage is the most important of all the virtues because without courage, you can't practice any other virtue consistently.” 
 ― Maya Angelou


  1. 515
    King 25:56 (15’)
    Theresa 26:42 rx
    Ellie 32:27 rx
    Mike San 31:19 rx
    Susan a 27:27 rca
    Jeremy d 24:54 rx
    Kevin b 24:26 rx

  2. 930
    Taylor 21:55 (20/15’)
    Jonathan t 30:00 rx
    Evie 28:46 (20’ for 5, 15’)
    Kat 31:14 (15’)
    Julie r 32:34 (20’+ 1 15’)
    Jackie h 21:43 (2 pulls)
    Joe s 18:35 (15’)

  3. 6am
    Ben M 23:27 15'
    Jason L 25:39 6RC to 15'
    Rich A 24:01 Rx

    Matt D 22:23 7RC to 20'
    Nikki M 21:51 3xStrictPullup
    Jess M 25:34 15'
    Kevin L 27:27 Rx
    Anna 22:27 2xStrictpullupbnd
    RAJ 23:16 5RC to 15'
    Neil Do 25:53 15'

    Josh M 30:00 Rx+ 9RC on short ropes
    Dana D 33:59 Bike (40/30/20/10/5)
    Matt T 21:54 15' (2RCto20')
    Kevin T 28:00Rx
    Pete D 27:58Rx
    Steph C 30:36Rx
    Mark Sp 29:21 Rx
    Tim H 22:15 15' (minus last two rounds)
    Lea W 29:29 Rx
    Julie M 29:14 (5 less calorie per round/2xRopepulltostand)
    Kevin H 28:30 15' (9RC to 20')

  4. 330
    Steph V 27:16 pulls
    Holly 25:27 pulls

    Jilla 27:32 rx
    Jenna 28:05 (15')
    Alex T 31:25 (rr/ rca)
    Kate S 25:51 (15')
    Colleen 20:31 (pulls)
    Lydia 21:47 (pulls)
    Jerry T 30:15 (7 climbs, 8 att)
    Karen M 23:44 rr
    Therese 29:04 2rp

  5. 530
    Chip 25:15 (11 rc, 15')
    Pam 25:55 rx
    JP 27:54 rx
    Brian Z 29:52 (15')
    Braden 23:45 rx
    Randy 27:11 rx
    Shawna 27:50 (2 jhook pulls)
    Sarmad 26:35 RR
    Matt B 22:10 (1 rope/ rd, 15')
    Mike M 27:00 (15')
    Adam 26:20 (15')

  6. Alex 24:04 (3 pulls/climb)
    Missy 24:10 (5 att at bar)
    Esra 33:03 (att)
    Jason P 27:00 (15')
    Dan M 25:30 (15')
    Dave 35:00cap (to 20')
    Nancy 29:09 (2 pull/climb)
    Greg 26:50 (15')
    Mark Ch 23:04 (15')
    Joe M 27:20 (15')
    Michael Roth (20:19 (15')
    Alan 23:45 (ski, kb pull/climb)
