
Tim Hennessey

What first brought you in the doors of CrossFit King of Prussia?
A friend in South Jersey started at Crossfit Tribe and kept going on about it. So I looked for an affiliate in this area. I found CFKOP and that a coworker of mine was a coach. I talked to her about joining and my concerns, then leapt in.

What has kept you consistent?
 Before my daughter was born, my commitment varied. There were a lot of “rest days”(WODs I didn’t like). Since 2015, two things keep me consistent; I can only make it to one class (12:15) and my annual goal of 200 WODs (thanks Cline). This means I can no longer skip a WOD I don’t like. The result of this has been improvement in overhead strength and mobility as well as getting my first rope climb and double unders (still working on stringing them).

What advice do you have to newer athletes?
 Log your workouts. It took about 5 years before I started doing this. It useful to see how you did the last time a WOD came up. Communicate with your coaches. Listen to them, but also tell them about limitations, injuries, etc. There is a scale for nearly everything. It may not be what you had in mind when you came in. As an example, Aimee has at least 3 scales for me for HSPUs and she doesn’t always let me choose.

What would you tell someone thinking about joining our community?
 Joining CFKOP is one of the better decisions I made in my life, Try it out, talk to a coach or a member. Anyone, regardless of age or ability can make themselves better here. One of the best shirts I’ve ever seen said “Crossfit: tough enough for a Marine, scalable for the Queen”.

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