
Mike Santivasci

What first brought you in the doors of CrossFit King of Prussia?
Before CrossFit, I was struggling to stay consistent with running and using the machines at a traditional gym. I had been at it for three years, and I was bored and felt like I wasn’t getting results. That’s when I came across an article about CrossFit. It sounded like exactly what I was looking for: strength training combined with conditioning, together with programming and coaching. I thought to myself, all I would need to do is show up, and they’ll tell me what to do, show me how to do it, and structure the workouts to an appropriate level for me. And I won’t get bored because the workouts are constantly varied. What could be better? I was super excited just from reading the article! Within minutes I was on the phone with Aimee scheduling my introductory session. Soon afterwards, I completed fundamentals, and I did my first WOD at KOP in November 2010.

What has kept you consistent? 
I am hugely motivated by my desire to stay active and healthy as I get older, and have no doubt that CrossFit and good nutrition will help me to achieve these goals. Those are two big motivations to stay consistent. It has also helped that I’m never bored because of the constantly varied nature of the programming, and that I decided early on that I would do early morning workouts, which, for me, minimizes conflicts with work and family obligations. Equally important for me is that I get so much out of the community! It’s easy to show up consistently when you get to spend time with athletes and coaches whose company you enjoy and who have become your friends both inside and outside of the gym! I really treasure the friendships that I’ve made through CrossFit KOP!

 What advice do you have to newer athletes?
 Keep things in perspective. Don’t be overly concerned about what you can do versus what you see others doing. Focus on where you came from, where you are now, and where you want to be. Think about what you need to do to be the best version of yourself. Trust the process. Show up consistently and do the work. Learn from your coaches. Ask questions. Have fun. Get to know your fellow athletes. Participate in community events.

 What would you tell someone thinking about joining our community? 
To anyone considering CrossFit KOP, I would tell them that this is an exceptional community. The programming is challenging, varied and fun. The coaches are super knowledgeable, personable and accessible. The community is welcoming, supportive and cohesive. In short, CrossFit KOP offers an outstanding environment to pursue and achieve your fitness goals.

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