
W.O.D. 7.20.18

AMRAP in 15 Minutes:
400 Meter Run
50 Double Unders
30 Pistols (single legged squats)

Community Note:
King and Queen is TOMORROW
All regular classes will be canceled.

“Knowing trees, I understand the meaning of patience. Knowing grass, I can appreciate persistence.” ― Hal Borland


  1. 5:15/6a
    Theresa L 3+150m Rx
    Jeremy. 3Rds sc
    Sean s 3Rds Rx
    Holly F 2+20 30dua/box

    Justin C 3+1 Rx
    Dana D 3+36 air squats
    Megan O 3rds db squats
    Jeff G 2+40 sc

  2. 930am
    Nicole M 2+ 26 (10du, 17" box)
    Becky 3 (17" box)
    Amrita 2+33 (100 su, 17" box)
    Jonathan T 2+65 rom
    Sydney H 2+1 (20 du, 10 pistols)
    Cameron H 2+5 (20dua, 17" box)

  3. 12:15
    Matt T 2+4 25DU/Ball+2 plates
    Jenna 2+51 Rx
    Jill A 3+350m Rx
    And I 2+57 ball+plate/40DU
    Pam G 2+66 Rx
    Pete D 2+23;30Du/ball+plate
    Taylor 3+57 17”box
    Tim H 2+2 30cal bike/10du/banded pistol
    Cherie 2+26 10dua/17” box
    Braden 3+325m Rx

    Lydia 2rds 15dua/13”box

  4. 4:30p
    Andrew M 3+58 Rx
    Alex T 2+51 1min DUA/plates/band
    Joe M 2+54;30du/band
    Karen M 2+7 15dua/pole for pistols
    Mike M 2+8 20dua/box17”
    Mansoor 2+51 box20”/50su

  5. 530
    Adam 2+38 (25du, 13”)
    Kyara 2+6 (25/20 du, band)
    Alona 2+37 (band)
