
W.O.D. 7.21.18

Congratulations to our "Court Jesters" - the spirit award
Alex and Missy!

Congratulations to the King and Queen of Prussia
Andrew Coyle and Pam Gulotta

Finally, the event that all of you have been waiting for!  The day has arrived and it is time to crown our newest King and Queen. This is by far, the most exciting event that is held each year and Jason, myself and the coaches could not be more excited. 

The King and Queen of Prussia will give many an opportunity to compete for the first time, it will give others a chance to see where they stack up, it will push all athletes to a new level, it will provide an atmosphere or camaraderie and friendship that defines what CrossFit King of Prussia is all about. 

If you are not competing, we strongly encourage you to stop by and cheer on your friends and support them during the day.  At the end of the event, we will celebrate in true CrossFit fashion with a "stink and drink" and catered lunch.  Please feel free to bring some pot-luck fare and drinks too! See you there!

Registration will begin on 7/21 at 8:00AM
Announcements at 8:30AM 
WOD kick off at 9:00AM…

WOD 1:
For time, Lords will take 9,000 pounds from ground to overhead, while Ladies will take 5,000 pounds. There will be a 10 minute cap.

 The weight selections are as follows:
155# for 59 reps
135# for 67 reps
105# for 86 reps
75# for 120 reps 

105# for 48 reps
95# for 53 reps
65# for 77 reps
45# for 112 reps 

WOD 2:
To attain the throne, the members of the court will encounter many trials and tribulations. All will fail but those that are most worthy will get back up the fastest. 
 The next test for future royalty is as follows: 
 50 Deadlifts 
 Double Jump Bar Facing Burpees 
50 Deadlifts 

 For this challenge, there will be a 12-minute time cap. Each rep not completed, will add another second to the final time. Lords will lift a 135# and Ladies will lift a 95# 

Master's Warpath
25 Deadlifts  (65/95#)
Jumping Pull-ups
25 Deadlifts (65/95#)

 WOD 3: 
Brazen Bull 
 3 Rounds for time of: 
400 Meter Run 
20 Alternating (10R/10L) Weighted Dumbbell Step-ups (45/25#) 
20 Dumbbell Thrusters (45/25#)
(there will be an 18 minute cap)

CLICK HERE to see the results from the competition.

"If you are not willing to risk the usual, you will have to settle for the ordinary." 
 - Jim Rohn

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  1. Results:
