
W.O.D. 6.8.18

Partner WOD: 
20min. AMRAP: 
Run 400m w/ partner 
50 Kettlebell Swings (35/55#) 
15 Bar Muscle Ups

(partners share the work on the KBS and Bar MU, runs are completed together)

Auxiliary Cash out:
50 GHD Hip Extensions

Community Notes:
All weekend classes will be held in the Annex (110C DeKalb), please meet and park there.

"If you train hard, you’ll not only be hard, you’ll be hard to beat." 
- Hershel Walker


  1. 5:15/6a
    Nikki/Theresa L 3+1 (band/c2b)
    Mike S /Ben M 2+59 (band/jmu)
    Laura s/Ellie 3 scale
    Mark Sp/king 3 (band/strict pu+dips)
    Kevin B /Brian S 3 Rx

    Justin C/Dana D 3+37 Rx
    Jeremy/Colleen 4 (C2B/band pu)

  2. 930
    Kevin and evie 3 rx
    Ina+Edwin+amritha 3+1 sc
    Jess a and Katie m 3+14 sc
    Mary h and Tori e 3 sc

    Gordy and Tim h 3+5 (20 cal bike, 44, bmu and pu)
    Taylor and joe c 2+54 rx
    Pam and Nicole n 3 (26 rus, pu/ band)
    Rich a and Kevin t 3+17 rx

  3. 3:30pm
    Sydney (Band Mu) & Cameron (pull up/35)= 2+56
    Lydia (26/bndpull), Gia (C2BA), Abby (26/jump)

    Jill A (Rx) & Bryan S (35)= 3+32
    Dave M (26/jump), Alex Th (c2bA), Julie R (C2BA)= 3+38
