
W.O.D. 6.7.18

10 Rounds for time of:
1 Power Snatch (105/155#)
3 Overhead Squats (105/155#)

Cash out:
Not for time:
Accumulate 30 Ring dips
(athletes choice-strict or kipping)

Community Notes:
All weekend classes will be held in the Annex (110C DeKalb), please meet and park there.

“Inaction breeds doubt and fear. Action breeds confidence and courage. If you want to conquer fear, do not sit home and think about it. Go out and get busy.” 
 – Dale Carnegie


  1. 6am 7am

    Colleen 6:00@65
    Theresa 4:31@80
    Meg O 9:51 Rx
    Kevin B 5:19@115
    JB 5:57@60
    Justin C 14:12 Rx
    Mark Sp 7:02@115
    Dana D 6:17@75 (10inch blocks)
    Nikki 4:26@85

    Jasmin 7:06@55
    Neil 8:45 Rx
    Lauren H 6:17 Rx
    Liz S 7:44@65
    Matt D 6:47@45

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. 930
    Jackie 4;08 (65)
    Kyle g 10:32 (105)
    Jerry 9:55 (105/45)

  5. 1215
    Carl B 5:45 (115)
    Katie M 4:2 (35)
    Tim H 6:57 (95)
    Pete D 5:41 (115)
    Jess A (45)
    Cal 6:18 (125)
    Rich A 7:17 rx
    Nicole R 3:19 (35)
    Meredith 4:39 (70)

    1pm Masters (Fight Gone Bad)
    Gigi 229 (35,6,13"su)
    Dad 216 (14,53,20")
    Barb Z 228 (6#,35#,13" su)
    Barb C 190 (45,8,13" su)
    Terry 239 (45,12,17" su)
    Anne B 278 (26kb,53kb,15db,ski, su)
    Ina 232 (run,20# goblet)
    Russell 168 (65, step up)

  6. 430
    Caitlin 7:06 (65)
    Ryan mc 5:12 (135)
    Manny 7:01 (95)
    Donna 4:12 (65)
    Nicole m 4:15 (65)
    Dave m 6:25 (35)
    John t 5:33 (95)
    Remer 7:26 rx
    Julie r 6:55 (85)
    Lea w 3:36 (73)
    Jilla 3:38 rx
    Erika 4:27 (65)
    Keith 4:39 rx
    Taylor 4:09 rx
    Laura a 4:52 (85)
    Kate s 4:45 (70)
    Alex t 5:19 (65)

  7. 530
    Shawna 5:10 (65)
    Mart b 5:15 (115)
    Phani 6:35 (75)
    Samson 5:07 (95)
    Kevin h 5:19 (105/45)
    Kayla 3:08 (105)
    Caitlyn 4:19 (65)
    Joe s 7:52 (145)
    Randy 5:03 (95)
    Sam f 5:54 (95)

  8. 630
    Josh s 8:46 (115)
    Jen c 5:27 rx
    Jay 5:52 rx
    Mike c 5:54 (85)
    Courtney 5:48 (95)
    Abby 4:40 (35)
    Nancy 7:00 (45)

    Kevin t 6:47 (105)
    Bryan 6:38 (85)
    Dieter 6:27 (95)
    Alex b 6:08 (45)
    Emily g 6:33 (35)
    Jin 7:00 (65)
