
W.O.D. 5.9.18

Master's Qualifier: Workout 2
4 Rounds for Time:
25 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
5 Cleans (170/245#)

Time Cap 15:00

Community Notes:
Join us at 5:30 PM tonight for our first BOOT CAMP of the season!
Meet Jenna at the turn around point for the 400 Meter Run...for a special adventure!

"Every day we choose who we are by how we define ourselves." 
 -Angelina Jolie


  1. 515/6/7am

    Kevin B 15:10 (cap) @165#
    Theresa 15:18 (cap) @115#
    Mike S 14:28 130#,(5pu, 20ghd)
    Manisha 15:14 (cap) 85#
    Laura Smith 15:45 (cap)@95#, (pullup att)
    Holly 13:41 @70#

    Jeremy 14:32 175#
    Meg O 15:20 (cap) 150#
    Justin C 15:05 (cap) 225#
    Angelo 14:51 @205#
    Ben M 15:03 (cap) 75# (pullups)

    Matt D 15:12 (cap) 90# (15pullups)
    Kevin L 15:24 (cap) @115#
    Neil D 15:18 (cap) 185# Pullups
    Danielle G 13:41 120# (15pullups)
    JB 14:10 @65# (Ring Rows)
    Nikki 14:47 @125

  2. 9:30 AM

    Jackie H. 13:20,2 x pu’s; 2 x rr’s, 125#
    Mary H. 14:22,rr,45#
    Gina W. 15:30,130# (hand tear☹️)
    Connie V. 15:32,75#,band pu’s
    Nicole M. 11:46,00#,15 pu’s/round
    Lesley B. 15:21,55#,rr’s

  3. 12:15 EXP

    Jenna K. 15:11,15 ctb,135#
    Tim H. 15:03,155#,15 ghd + 10 push-ups
    Pam G. 15:27,170#,ghd’s
    Matt T. 15:04,135#,pull-ups
    Steph V. 15:30,143#,band pull-ups
    Nicole N. 15:39,85#,pull-ups+rr
    Cherie C. 15:27,63#,band pull-ups

  4. 630
    Keith 15:28 rx (capped)
    Gia 15:05 (85,15pu) 25 cleans 😂
    Matt e 14:34 (15 c2b, 205)
    Mike c 15:02 (125)
    Greg a 15:30 (150)
    Kelsey 15:02 (125,15/10 pu)
    Chris s 12:02 (15 pu, 185)
    Matt b 15:03 (15 c2b, 205)
    Chip 15:29 (225,pu/rr)
    Dan m 14:58 (15 c2b, 165)
    Chak 15:01 (115, band)

    Neil 14:58 (205, 15 pu)
    Abby 12:11 (45, rr)
    Phani 15:00 (115,15 pu)

  5. I regret it already 😂😂🏋️‍♀️🏋️‍♀️

  6. 4:30pm
    Dallas(alex) 13:58 225/ROM
    Lea 15:12 15c2ba/125
    donna 14:35 105/bndpull
    karen m 14:49 15c2ba/115
    mike m 15:04 155/pull
    cal 15:05 10PUA/165
    Manny 15:19 20C2b/135
    Joe M 15:03 20C2b/155
    Josh M 15:04 185
    Randy M 15:04 155/rr
    Lydia 15:50 73/Band

  7. 5:30pm
    Braden 14:21 185
    Joe S 15:29 225
    Kyle G 12:57 RR/155
    Sam F 15:00 115/15RR
    Briana Z 14:14 135
    Kyle B 15:06 3R/3L@20, FtscPull
    Josh P 15:14 15c2b/155
