
W.O.D. 5.30.18


Cash out:
2 Rounds of time of:
10 Snatch (use 70% of your 1RM from today)
12 Burpees

Community Notes:
Don't forget about Boot Camp on Sunday at 1:00 PM!

"Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you'll start having positive results." 
- Willie Nelson


  1. 515,6,7am

    Ben 125, 6:50
    Mark Spak 1:35, 4:03
    Holly 70, 5:35
    Manisha 60, 5:00
    John McH 123, 5:40

    Jeremy 205 (clean), 7:04 (cleans at 1:45)
    Kevin B 135, 3:25
    Angelo 176, 3:07
    Meg O 125, 3:14
    Colleen B 75, 3:33

    Neil 185, 3:51
    Kevin L 105, 3:49
    Nikki 95, 6:26 for 5 rounds then 3:26 for 3 rounds

  2. 930
    Lesley 50, 3:26
    Jackie h 100, 3:32

  3. 12:15
    Jessie 80, 3:21
    Taylor 195, 3:38
    Tim H 110 split,121 power, 4:13
    Sam B 165 pr! 2:49
    Ed B 125, 3:38
    Pete D 155 pr!, 3:22
    Cal 135, 4:23

  4. 4:30pm
    Dave M 50 5:24 @50
    Dani A 90PR! 3:59
    Kate S 93PR! 3:49
    Julie R 95 3:43
    Rich A 191 2:58
    Joe M 125 3:59
    Justin C 187 PR!
    Lucille 55 4:46

    Andrew M 175, 2:42
    Joe S Work
    Jen C 135 3:24
    Rob P 135 3:15
    Shawna P 85 4:31
    Ezra 70 4:59
    RAJ 150 5:15
    Matt B 155 3:37
    Caitlyn B 85PR! 3:17
    Steph C 80 3:22
    Keith 205 3:31

  5. 630
    Laura a 129.8,5:29
    Phani 105 pr, 4:14
    Noel 145 pr!, 3:47
    Luda 50, =)
    Braden 152.2 pr, 3:50
    Erika 85, 2:53
    Sam f 105, 2:54
    Mike c 125, 3:47

    Neil 167.5 pr, 4:17
    Abby 45, 3:40
