
W.O.D. 5.16.18

It's time to start thinking about Memorial Day Weekend...
no better place to spend it then at CrossFit KoP!
We have lots of varied offerings....see you then.

For Time: 
 4 Ring Muscle-Ups 
16 Deficit Handstand Push-Ups 
3 Ring Muscle- Ups 
12 Deficit Handstand Push-Ups 
2 Ring Muscle- Ups 
8 Deficit Handstand Push-Ups

(ladies use -2- 45# plates/ men use -4- 45# plates) 

Rest 3 Minutes then... 

4 Rope Climbs (20') 
16 Thrusters (95/135#) 
3 Rope Climbs (20') 
12 Thrusters (95/135#) 
2 Rope Climbs (20') 
8 Thrusters (95/135#) 

“Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength.” 
 – Arnold Schwarzenegger


  1. 9:30

    Anna C. 25:00,55#,struggle,3,2,1;15’rc,trans
    Suzanne M. 34:23,65#,7rc,25#+1 abmat,trans
    Mary H. 24:04,35#,strict hspu 3 abm,15’ rc,trans
    Gina W. 25:00,Sc hspu,15’ rc,trans
    Jackie H. 18:46 SCAF
    Connie V. 28:08,3 abm,65#,trans,4 pulls
    Steph V. 16:54 SCAF
    Lesley B. 18:30, scaled
    Jess A. 23:01, scaled, 55#
    Cal A. 29:46,trans,box hspu,135/115,20/15

    12:15 EXP

    Rich A. 31:40,all but 15 thrusters and 2 rc, RX
    Kevin T. 28:48,115#,rum att,1x45# plate
    Pam G. 26:34,reg hspu,neg pull-ups
    Jessie S. 21:26,65#,3 abm,trans,15’
    Sam B. 21:35, 8-6-4 ring dips,stinkbug,5-5-5 rc att, 115#
    Pete D. 32:45,105#,1x45# pl,trans,7 rc

  2. 7am
    JP 33:36 (ROM)
    JB 25:15 (55, dips, rope pulls)
    Megan O 22:01 (trans)
    Raj 24:43 (trans, 2ab, 15' 2-1-1, 85)
    Esra 27:27 (dips x2, sb,65,2-1-1 to 15')
    Neil Do 27:40 (sb, dips, 95, rope climb 15 ish)
    Derek 21:49 (1ab,95)
    Nikki 23:45 (strict pu, hspu, trans)
    Kevin L 26:52 (95,trans,sb)
    Matt D 19:32 (65, kick ups, 1/2 sb, trans, 15' 3-2-1)

  3. 515/6:00am

    Brian S 18:17 (2x45s, jmu, 95#, 15')
    King 23:25 (95#, hspu--)
    Kevin B 20:06 (95$, hspu)
    Ben M 31:26 (95#, 2abmat, jmu)
    Manisha 27:17 (2abmats, RMU alt, 65#)
    Holly 16:00 (self capped, 3rope climbs to 15')

    Jeremy 26:06 (115#, scaled hspu)
    Dana D 26:06 (80#)
    Ricardo A 32:22 (95#, 25# plate x1, 15', abmat)
    Justin C 25:25 (hspu 35# plate)

  4. 630pm
    Jeff P 25:55 rx
    Andrew M 24:08 rx
    Jen C 23:15 (3-2-2 rca, 1ab, trans x2)
    Gia 22:36 (2-1-1 to 15', trans, 70, 2ab)
    Greg A 30:31 (dip/95/2ab)
    Mike L =]
    Emily G 28:56 (push ups, 55,foot wraps, band dips)
    Alona 26:28 (3ab, jmu)
    Noel 28:36 (1ab,105,-1 rc)
    Chak 25:03 (3-2-1, push ups, 85, x2 dips)

    Abby 18:15 (x2 band dips,sb/ push ups, foot wraps, 15#)
    Therese 26:47 (55, x2 dips, 2ab+pl,rac 3-2-1)

    - Jenna

  5. 4:30pm
    Mike M 20:20 85lb, 3/2/1 20' RC, Boxhspu
    Dani A 15:59 ScAF 65
    Donna G 16:35 ScAF 55
    Cameron H 22:08 RR&bndRDx2, Boxhspu, 2/2/1RC/55
    Julie R 18:59 ScAF 75
    Alex Th 20:)0 ScAF 65

    Braden R 27:26 1ABM
    Joe S 24:30 HSPU
    Kyle G 26:47 2ABM/Trans+Dip/95/15'
    Sam F 25:08 Trans+Dip/2abm/65/15'
    Alicia 24:34 MUA/HSPU/65/15
    Keith B 26:57 15'
    Remer 25:00rx
    Mike Co 19:52 BndDip&RRx2/Pushup/15'/75
    Madhu 25:30 pushup/rr&BndDipx2/RCA 3-2-1/43

  6. Jilla 23:38 (75)
    Aimee 18:15 rx
    Cate k 19:41 (65, 15’)
    Jenna 28:40 (2mu,12-8-6,65)
