
W.O.D. 4.18.18

CrossFit Endurance is BACK...It begins this Thursday at 6:00 PM with coach Tim.
Meet at the Upper Merion Track, 435 Crossfield Road

Join us on Friday April 20th for a Special Workout (5:30 PM) and Screening of "The Ataxian" (6:30 PM) all to benefit FARA, Friedreich's Ataxia Research Alliance... $20 suggested donation.


5 Rounds for time of:
Run 400 meters 
30 Box jumps, 20/24 inch box 
30 Wall ball shots, 14/20 pound ball  to 9/10ft

(CLICK HERE to compare to 1.20.18)

“Success seems to be connected with action. Successful men keep moving. They make mistakes, but they don’t quit.” 
 – Conrad Hilton


  1. 515/6/7am Rizzults

    Alex 22:10 Rx (3 rounds)
    Holly 21:13 (17"box, 3 rounds)
    Mike S 32:50 (15wb/per round@14#)
    Laura Smith 34:02 Rx
    Manisha 37:20 Rx
    Ben M 37:34 Rx
    Theresa 28:!6 Rx
    Ellie 32:25 Rx
    Kevin B 28:11 Rx
    King 31:06 Rx
    Mark Spak 29:00 (squat jumps)

    Dana D 28:26 Rx
    Jeremy 25:08 Rx
    Angelo 22:55 Rx
    Justin 26:19 Rx

    Kate C 33:30 Rx
    Kate S 32:50 (10#wb)
    Megan O'N 26:25 Rx
    Lauren H 26:32 (200m run/20reps/20reps)
    Esra 28:32 (200m run/20reps/20reps)
    Jess M 31:13 Rx
    Daniele G 29:31 Rx
    Matt D 27:36 (20bj/17"box/14#wb)
    Neil 34:34 Rx
    Nikki 23:04 Rx
    Anna 32:13 air bike sub

  2. 9:30 AM

    Jackie H. 19:33 bike(20 cals),10# ball, 3 rounds
    Jill H. 20:26 Rx , 3 rounds

    Pam G. 23:27 Rx

  3. 12:15 EXP

    Kevin T. 31:15 Rx
    Tim H. 17:55,4 rnds,250m row,20 bj,20 wb
    Meredith H. 30:27,200m row,20" stepup,
    Olan S. 21:29,3 rnds,Rx
    Matt T. 31:49,14# wb
    Sam B. 28:49 Rx
    Steph V. 26:22,200m,13" stepup,20# slam ball

  4. 4:30pm
    lea w 28:08rx
    rich a 29:13rx
    dave h 28:06rx
    randy m 28:42 rx
    rob p 37:10 14#
    manny r 36:04 20/14
    lydia r 28:30 13/6/4rnds
    mike m 36:10 20/14rom
    mark c 31:50rx
    dani a 31:13rx
    karen m 36:56rx
    alex th 37:00 12#

    Jenna k 33:18rx
    matt s 25:05rx
    josh m 27:23 rx
    alona k 28:51 rx PR!
    Caitlyn B 23:09 20/14/3RNDS
    Remer 22:25Rx
    Emily E 28:15 20/14/4Rnds
    kyle g DNF
    jacki r 22:44 rx
    braden r dnf
    kelsey y 25:03rx
    laura a 25:25 rx
    JP 27:45 rx

  5. 630
    Bill p dnf
    Matt e 34:59 rom
    Dan m 29:48 (step ups)
    Gia 33:48 rx
    Mike c 33:32 (14#)
    Candy 34:20 (4 rds, 10#,7’)
    Sam f 32:00 (14#)
    Greg a 31:36 rx
    Jeff h 32:42 rom
    Liz 32:57 (step ups,10#)
    Mariana 31:37 rx pr!
    Micah 33:15 rom

    Rachel 33:40 rx
    Michelle k 35:37 rx
    Greg h 35:31 rom
    Bryan 35:00 (9’)
