
W.O.D. 4.16.18

CrossFit Endurance is BACK...It begins this Thursday at 6:00 PM with coach Tim.
Meet at the Upper Merion Track, 435 Crossfield Road

Join us on Friday April 20th for a Special Workout (5:30 PM) and Screening of "The Ataxian" (6:30 PM) all to benefit FARA, Friedreich's Ataxia Research Alliance... $20 suggested donation.


2 RM Push Press

(CLICK HERE to compare to 1.17.18)

Cash out:
AMRAP in 7 Minutes:
5 Push Press (70% of 2 RM)
10 Ring Dips
15 Calories Row

"The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today."
-H. Jackson Brown Jr.


  1. 5:15a
    Theresa L 110#, 2+14'rx
    Katie M 65#, 2+12 35#bar/band/10cal bike
    Ben M 125, 2+5 band
    Laura S 65#, 2+16 35#bar/band
    Brian S 210# PR, 3rx
    Kevin B 140#, 2+17 Rx
    Mike San 120# Pr, 1+15 Rx

  2. 930
    Tori 95/ 2+15 (band)
    Jill h 120/ 2+8 (5 dips, floss)
    Jess a 100/ 1+21 (band)
    Kate m 105/ 2+ 10 (band)
    Gina w 123/ 2+10 rx
    Connie v 85/ 2+13 (5dips, band)
    Barb z 90/ 2+5 band

  3. 330
    Lydia 63/ 2+2 (parallete,33)
    Liz 80/ 3+5 (band)
    Sharon C 113/ 2+1 (band)
    Alex P 90/ 3 (band, 60)
    Dave H 195/ 2+24 rx
    Holly F 85/ 3 (band, 55)
    Nicole M 100 pr/ 2+20 (band)
    Lea W 115/ 3+10 (band)

  4. 430
    Jilla 147 pr
    Samson 155
    Remer 187pr
    Steph Mc 115pr
    Karen M 115
    Mike M 155
    Marissa 120
    Rich A 226 pr
    Dani A 115 pr
    Kate S 120
    Alex Th 85
    Donna 100 pr
    Olan 195
    Joe M 165
    Manny 135
    Jessie 100 100
    Julie R 115

  5. 12;15pm
    matt t 125 2+16 Row/85
    meredith h 110PR! 3+1 bnd/78
    kevin h 200PR 3+1 rx
    julia m 78 2+5 55/bnd
    cherie 95PR! 2+15 Pdip/68

  6. 6am
    jeremy d 155 3+19rx
    justin c 190 3+4 rx
    sam b 125 3+15 rom
    angelo k 3+18 rx
    manisha 85 1+23 rx

    Meg W 90 Pr!2+17 65/bnd
    Meg O 140 3+5 rx
    jazmin 65 2+15 pdip/45
    Nikki M 115 3Rx
    Kat B 75 2+23 bnd/55
    jess m 100PR! 3 MF
    Anna C 85 3 pdip/60
    kate c 85 2+15 bnd/65
    kevin l 135PR 3+5 rx

  7. 530
    Dana d 120
    Jacki 125
    Raj 135
    Shawna 100 pr!
    Jeff 235
    Keith 205
    Steph C 95 pr!
    Mark P 185
    Joe S 185
    Josh P 175
    Rob P 165
    Alona 115
    Erika 90

    Partner WOD
    Partner 1: 10 cal row
    Partner 2: AMRAP 5 push press and 5 ring dips until partner finishes 10 cals, then switch.
    Pick up where partner left off
    Dana and Jacki- 7+8 (85#)
    Shawna and Raj 7+ 5 (75,band)
    Keith and Jeff 9+5 rx
    Steph C and Caitlyn 8+6 (65, band)
    Mark and Joe 9+2 rx
    Josh P and Rob 7 (125, band)
    Erika and Alona 6+ 8 (85/65, band)

  8. 430 cash- out (same as 530)
    Remer/ Rich A 9+5
    Julie R/ Karen 7+5
    Twinnie/ Jessie 10 (band)
    Olan/ Manny 8+2
    Marissa/ Ryan 7
    Dani/ Kate S 8+5 (band)
    Joe/ Mike M 7+5

  9. 6:30

    Dave N 175 2+20
    Chip 205 2+17
    Micah 185 3 Rx
    Andrew M 195 4+5 Rx
    Ryan Mc 185 2+26 Rx
    Jen C 135 3+5
    Caitlyn 100 2+23
    Danielle 125PR 2+20
    Michael C 145 2_22
    Mike Ro 155 3+15
    Laura 125 2+12
