
W.O.D. 4.12.18

There is still time to sign up for our Girls on Girls Competition on 5/19. 
Ladies, grab a friend and CLICK HERE to sign up!

For time:
100 Dumbbell Snatch (35/50#)
80 Calories Row
60 Burpees
40 Ring Muscle-ups

Time Cap 20:00

"Change your life today. Don't gamble on the future, act now, without delay."
-Simone De Beauvoir


  1. 830
    Aimee 20:27 rx
    Cate 20:36 rx
    Jenna 20:39 rx
    Manisha 20:55 (30) FIRST RING MU!!!!
    John W 20:30 rx

    Ryan 20:40 (mu att) thanks for dropping in!
    Nikki 20:25 (jmu)
    Jess A 21:03 (80/60/40 reps)
    Lauren D 21:08 (20)
    Gina W 20:35 (trans/dips)
    Connie V 20:55 (25)
    Jill H 20:54 rx

  2. 6am:
    Kevin B: 20:35 jumping rmu
    Jeremy D: 20:31 jumping rmu
    Kevin N: 21:35 20#

    Matt D: 20:15 (35lb, ring row)
    Megan O: 20:37 jumping rmu
    Erika: 20:35 Ring MU
    ALona: 20:40 RX
    Anna: 21:07 (25)
    Kevin L: 20:34 (jumping rmu)
    Kate C: 20:46 (30#)
    Raj: 20:59 RX
    Megan W: 21:00 (25#)

  3. 1215
    Meredith 20:35 (push ups/ trans)
    Tim h 21:24 rx
    Rich a 20:33 rx
    Pete d 20:40 rx
    Jessie 20:32 (mu trans,25)
    Kevin h 20:30 rx
    Matt t 20:45 (40)
    Julia m 21:07 (15/20)
    Carl b 20:28 rx
    Olan 20:57 rx

  4. Masters
    80 dB snatch
    60 cal row
    40 burpee
    20 mu trans

    Anne b 16:53 (20)
    Mom 19:02 (15)
    Dad 19:02 (25)
    Russell 20:20 (35)
    Terry 16:55 (20)
    Barb c 20:23 (15)
    Ina 18:06 (20)

  5. Danielle a 20:28 (30) trans/dips
    Kate s 20:52 rx
    Josh mc 20:32 rx
    Jilla 20:33 rx
    Kyle g 20:54 rx
    Alex th 20:55 rx
    Karen m 20:51 rx
    Amm 20:40 rx
    Mchugh rx
    Ryan mc 20:20 (40, jmu)
    Mark p 10:56 (35)
    Mike r 20:26 rx
    Mike m 20:58 (35)

  6. 530
    Kyle b 20:19 (80/60/40/20 15#)
    Jen c 20:33 (mua)
    Jeff p 20:17 rx
    Caitlyn b 21:00 rx
    Randy 20:40 rx
    Kat 21:05 (20)
    Kelsey y 20:21 (trans)
    Braden 20:20 rx

    Andrew m 20:03 rx
    Gia 20:40 (30)
    Brian z 20:14 (bar mu)
    Mike c 20:31 (35/ trans)
    Greg a 20:36 (40/ trans)
    Danielle g 20:36 (trans)

    Neil 20:40 rx
    Mark c 20:25 (jmua)
    Missy 20:45 (20)
