
W.O.D. 2.8.18

U.S. Army Staff Sergeant Aaron N. Holleyman, 27, of Glasgow, Montana, assigned to the 1st Battalion, 5th Special Forces Group, based in Fort Campbell, Kentucky, was killed on August 30, 2004, when his military vehicle hit an improvised explosive device in Khutayiah, Iraq. He is survived by his daughters Shelby and Erin, son Zachary, parents Ross and Glenda, and siblings Kelly and Daniel. 

 "Holleyman" -- Test Day Record Results
30 rounds for time of: 
5 Wall ball shots, 14/20 pound ball to 9/10 ft
3 Handstand push-ups 
155/225 pound Power clean, 1 rep

CLICK HERE to compare to 2015

“The road to success is dotted with many tempting parking places.” 
~ Author Unknown


  1. 830
    Justin C 31:47 (205#)
    Aimee 23:11 rx
    Jenna 35:24 (135#)

    Nicole R 15:17 (17 rds, 10# wb, push up, 75)
    Jill H 27:21 (2 hspu 2ab, 115)
    Mary H 29:53 (95, 2ab, 12#)
    Jackie H 24:06 (35 goblet squat, sdbp 8#, 185 dl)
    Suzanne 19:08 (85,pu)
    Connie 27:16 (75,10#,pu)
    Gia 28:41 (2ab, 85)
    Laura C 28:11 (6# to 8', pu, 35)

  2. 6am:
    Danielle G: 29:51 (20 lb seated press, 120 PC)
    Kevin B: 36:31 (1 ab mat hspu, 155 PC)
    King: 35:27 (1 ab mat, 165 PC)

    Matt D: 26:09 (14# wb, 20# seated press, 85# PC)
    Kevin L: 25:58 (20# seated press, 95# pc)
    Anna C: 22:00 (fs w/ wb, 15# seated press, 75 PC)

  3. Express
    John McHugh 40:39 (30#press, 165)
    Tim H 20 rds 18:35 (25 db press, 135)
    Keith 15 rds 10:08 (155,14#wb)
    Kevin T 28:22 (135)
    Johnathan P 29:57 rx
    Laura P 20:50 (125)
    Pete D 28:38 (155)
    Mark Stipa 28:21 (155)
    Justin D 23:20 (20 rds, 16# 9',15# press, 105/ 3-2-1 reps)
    Meredith 28:15 (105, 2ab)
    Alyssa 27:48 (10#, 20#press, 93)
    Carl 30:16 (155)

    Terry 19 (55#,10#,15#)
    Mom 17 (12#,45#,6#)
    Dad 16 (14,83,25db press)
    Anne B 15+4 (20,15/10# press,65)

  4. 430 Cherie 30:49 (15#press/ 65)
    Alex Th 30:22 (2hspu 3ab, 85)
    Karen S 29:46 (12#,83, push ups)
    Karen M 25:32 (115,3ab, rom)
    Donna G 26:45 (15#press,95)
    Katie M 28:14 (10#wb,3ab,55)
    Shawna 32:00 (23rds- 2hspu,2ab+pl/15press,95)
    Angelo 28:36 (205)
    Jilla 24:33 rx pr!
    Dana 28:49(55,10#wb,push up/15press)
    Megan 28:59 (55,10#wb,push up/20press)

    Mark C 37:10 (175)
    Manisha 36:11 (2ab,85)
    Lindsey J 26:26 (2hspu,3b, 85)
    Kyle B 22:55 (10rds- 5 15#clean, 5 push ups, 5 squats)

  5. 6:30/7:30p
    Rich A 21:30 20rds Rx
    Anvesh 31:30 25rds/85#/14#/PU
    Phani 36:10 (PU/95#)
    Chak 37:08 85#/10#wb/PU
    Erik F 34:04 PU/155#
    Matt E 33:22 205#/PU
    Ashley M 22:53 20rds/105#/PU/14#/10#wb)

    Julie R 34:00 95#/2abmat (1st half)/3abm (2nd half)

  6. Hey Jenna. Great WOD on 2.8.18. I justed wanted to say I did all my wall balls at 14#. Here it looks like I did not do them. Thanks! Suzanne

  7. Suzanne. 14# was the rx weight. We only note scales and modifications outside of how the wod is written.
