
W.O.D. 2.9.18

Every Minute on the Minute for 10 Minutes build to a 2 RM Squat Snatch.


3 Rounds for time of:
5 Squat Snatch (105/155#)
3 Rope Climbs 15ft

 “I am not judged by the number of times I fail, but by the number of times I succeed: and the number of times I succeed is in direct proportion to the number of times I fail and keep trying.”
 ~ Tom Hopkins


  1. 5:15/6a
    Ellie H 75# 8:56 @ 65#
    Ben M 115# 11:28 @ 95#
    Mike San 90# 9:00 @85#

    Kevin B 125# 6:38@105#

  2. 7am
    Jess M 55, 6:43 (45, 3 pulls)
    Kevin L 15, 8:06 (15#ohs)
    Kate C 70, 9:13 (55)

  3. 930
    Jackie 50, 5:17 (5 fs 125#, 10 cal bike)
    Connie 28, 7:45 (28#, 2 pulls)
    Mary h 55, 8:18 (55, 2 pulls j hook!)

  4. Sharnae 60, 7:20 (45/ pulls)
    John Mc 110, 11:00 (105, 1 rope climb)
    Mike Sim 195pr! 9:09 rx
    Pam 115, 9:34 rx
    Tim H 99, 9:38 (77 power)
    Matt T 105 pr!, 7:59 (75)
    Carl 90, 6:33 (75)
    Kevin H 125 power, 7:23 (95 pwr)
    Pete D 145, 7:55 (115, 1 rope climb) First Rope Climb!

  5. 3:30pm
    Holly f 65 7:40 1rc/45
    Alex p 75 7:53 1rc/rca 55
    Erik f 126pwr 8:1195
    Megg l 110 sqcln 7:25 95sqcln/1rc
    Dave h 125 9:49 115
    Vinnie g 73 10:25 73

    Rich A 175 9:59 Rx
    Katelyn s 70 8:36 65
    Noel 125 7:29 95
    Mark st 130 6:39 95

  6. 5:30
    Kat B: 35# PR! 8:07 5 p snatch, 2 rope climb
    Sarmad: 100# 6:03 75# rope pull
    Danielle G: 95 PR! 9:30 85
    Steph C: 63# 7:57 53#
    Matt D: 55# 5:28 35# 1 rope climb
    Jonathan P: 205# 8:59 RX
    Cait B: 80 PR; 8:29 3 rope pulls 65#
    Steph M: 90 PR! 7:38 65#
    Matt: 135, 10:00# 105#
    Shawna: 68# 9:44 53# 2RC
    Ashley M: 70# 4:17 45# Rig RC
    Alona: 80# 8:37 70#
    Sue: 35# 4:58 25# rig rc Welcome Back!
    Laura A: 105# 6:25 85#

    Kyle G: 105#
    Sean S: 155# 115 11:12
    Madhu: 42.5 12:00 35#
    May: 145 Saf-t squat 4:15 TTR 110 squat
