
W.O.D. 2.6.18

For time: 
30 overhead walking lunges 
30 knees-to-elbows 
30 sit-ups 
30-cal. row 
30 sit-ups 
30 knees-to-elbows 
30 overhead walking lunges 

Women: Lunge with 25-lb. plate  
 Men: Lunge with 45-lb. plate 

“In the confrontation between the stream and the rock, the stream always wins- not through strength but by perseverance.” ~ H. Jackson Brown


  1. 6am
    Laura a 12:22 rx
    King 11:37 rx
    Theresa 13:03 rx
    Manisha 14:19 (rom)
    Kevin 10:35 rx
    Ellie 13:59 (rom)
    Mark spak 13:38 rx

    Matt d 13:40 (25,rom)
    Marla 12:15 (rom)
    Anna c 12:57 (15/ kr)
    Kevin l 14:15 (rom)

  2. jenna 13:16rx
    Jill a 11:08 rx
    Beth R 12:36 10#, KR

    Mary H 12:20 15#/ROM
    Laura S11:12 15#/leg raise/KR
    Connie V 13:41 15/ROM
    Emily A 14:25 KR
    Nicole R 13:50 55KBDL/KR
    Megg L 11:47 15/FlrSc
    TP 13:28 Rx
    Jill H 13:40 ROM

  3. 12:15
    Pam G 11:09 rx
    Jessie 13:12 (rom kte)
    Keith 10:31 rx
    Mike Sim 10:41 rx
    Pete D 12:44 (rom kte)
    Meredith 12:53 (15, rom kte)
    Steph V 13:01 (20 lunges w/o weight)
    Matt T 13:30 (kt3 rom 16 reps)
    Tori E 13:43 (15, rom)

    1pm Masters (20 reps each, kr)
    Mom 9:11
    Dianne 12:34
    Barb Z 10:10

  4. Olan: 16:38 (ass)
    Regi: 12:55 (rom)
    AMM: 13:10 (KTT)
    Karen: 13:25 (rom)
    Nicole: 13:38 (15# rom)
    Julie: 10:35 (rom)
    Matt E: 15:26 (rom)
    Therese: 16:11 (10# rom)
    Angelo: 10:41 rx
    Manny: 14:35 (35# rom)
    Julia: 14:19 (10# rom)
    Intensity: 15:48 (rom)
    Karen S: 15:20 (15# rom)
    Dave: 12:59 rx
    Susan: 14:44 (rom)
    Alex: 14:?? (ktt)
    Jess: 14:52 (10# kr)
    Rich: 11:330 (ass)
    Donna: 11:11 (rom)

  5. 5:30
    Kyle B. 16:51 (10# DB/ wt vest, KR)
    Flounder 13:32 (25# rom)
    Josh S. 13:05 (rom)
    Rob C. 11:41 (kr)
    Kyle G. 11:13 (rom)
    Remer 8:50 rx
    Steph M. 10:36 rx
    Alona 12:35 (rom)
    Emily E. 12:52 (kr)
    Alyssa I. 13:40 (lr)
    Mike Z. 13:10 (35# kr)
    JP 10:43 rx

    Ashley M. 11:34 (15# kr)
    Danielle G. 10:50 (kr)
    Sean S. 13:58 rx
    Madhu 16:10 (10# kr)
    Dana P. 11:41 (10# kr)
    Megan W. 11:46 (15# kr)
    Erik 13:30 (35# kr)
    Caitlyn 11:48 (rom)
    Michael C. 12:33 (35# rom)
    Mae 10:09 (15# DB, floor leg raise)
    Steph C. 11:18 (15# rom)
    Lindsey 12:29 (15# rom)
    Sharnae 11:18 (10# rom)
    Phani 13:32 (25# kr)
    Chuck 14:02 (25# kr)
    Anvesh 12:04 (25# kr)
    Gia 12:21 (25# rom)
    Erika R. 13:48 (rom)

    Great job tonight everyone! Continue to work on those kip swings!
    - Jill

  6. Brian St 13:52 (K2E ROM)
    Bryan Sp 15:48 (35#)
    Esra 16:46 (K2E ROM)
    Raj 13:20 (K2E ROM)
    Michael Roth 11:55 Rx
