
W.O.D. 1.30.18

There is still time to sign up, join us on Saturday February 3rd at 11:00 AM for our Pull-up Specialty Clinic. CLICK HERE to sign up.

Squat Clean + 2 Front Squats

"Human behavior flows from three main sources: desire, emotion, and knowledge." 


  1. 6am
    Laura a 149.6
    Dana d 138.6 (there’s your decimals!!)
    Josh mc 176
    Manisha 95
    Angelo 242
    Mark spak 185
    Kevin 195
    Theresa 115

    Matt d 110
    Kate c 110
    Kevin l 135
    Marla 145
    David b 165

  2. 9:30
    Connie v 90pr
    Jill h 125
    Mary h 115
    Jess a 95
    Kevin h 215pr
    Aimee 196

  3. 12:15
    Aimee 196
    Pam 174
    Keith 275
    Tim H 175
    Meredith H 125
    Julia M 65
    Nicole R 53
    Carl 185 PR
    Matt T 135

    Aimee Clean PR 202
    Pam Clean PR 176

  4. Masters
    Gigi 50 PR
    Barb 50
    Terry 68

    Masters WOD:
    3 Rounds for time of:
    10 Cal row
    10 Push-ups
    10 Power Cleans

    Terry 7:58 55#
    Gigi 8:00 35#
    Barb C 8:57 35#
    Gordy 5:20 95#

  5. Coach Jenna motivation!!!! Thanks girl #dontbeapus**

  6. Jason: 225
    Intensity: 198 PR
    Karen S: 90 PR
    Erika: 105 PR
    Nicole M: 120 PR
    Marissa: 155 PR
    Regi: 155 PR
    Shawna: 115
    Dave: 242
    Mike M: 165
    Jill: 181 PR
    Kevin T: 175 (180 clean PR)
    Ben: 185 PR
    Alex: 100
    Rich A: 287
    Olan: 195
    Karen M: 125

  7. 5:30
    AMM 140
    Steph C. 100
    Lindsey 105
    Kyle G. 185
    Flounder 155
    Lauren H. 185
    Lucille 85
    Mike Z. 130

    Remer 235 PR!
    Lauren D. 60 (3 FS to 17" box)
    Erik 190 PR!
    Sean 165
    Michael C. 155
    Matt B. 205

    Congrats on all the PR's today! Everyone did a great job! Keep it up!
    - Jill
