
W.O.D. 1.29.18

There is still time to sign up, join us on Saturday, February 3rd at 11:00 AM for our Pull-up Specialty Clinic. CLICK HERE to sign up.

Welcome to the states Suzanne!
Thank you for dropping in!

  AMRAP in 15 minutes:
24-Cal. Row 
24 Handstand Push-ups 
24 Power Cleans (105/155#)

“Any man’s life will be filled with constant and unexpected encouragement if he makes up his mind to do his level best each day.”
–Booker T. Washington


  1. Angelo 2rx
    Manisha s 1+44 75/2abm
    Danielle g 2+3 2abm

  2. Anna c 1+42 12 Kick up att/75
    Kate c 1+41 2abm/85
    Jess m 1+66 2abm/85
    Kevin l 1+32 12kick up att/105

  3. 5:15a
    Katie M 2rds 55# HPC/3ab strict)
    Brian S 1+43 135#
    Theresa L 1+70 Rx
    Mike San 1+61 115#/box HSPU
    Ben M 1 +30 135#/21reps (1strd) HSPU/2ab
    King 3+17 135# (24cals-12HSPU-12PC each round)
    Laura S 3+27 33# Hang PC/3ab strict
    Kevin B 1+68 135#
    Mark Sp 1+64 135#/2ab
    Ellie 1+53 95#/16HSPU/2ab

    Nice work early morning crew, really challenging yourselves to keep moving.

  4. 9:30 AM
    Suzanne 2 + 27 65# 12 HSPU 1 AB
    Steph V 2 + 14 12 reps box Hspu
    Jill H 1 + 67 2 AB 95# 12 reps hspu
    Mary H 2 85# 1 AB 12 reps hspu
    Jackie 3 + 9 12 cals, 24 bj, 2 DL 105#
    Jess A 1 +38 20# seated DB Press
    Nicole M 2 + 4 3 AB 85#
    Connie V 2 65# box 2 AB

  5. meredith h 2+2 90/2abm
    mike si 2+40 Rx
    Laura P 2+38 Rx
    Julia M 1+39 75(16reps)/12 Kick ups
    dana d 2+5 rx
    TP 1+56 Rx
    Pete D 2+3 125
    Mark St 1+66Rx

  6. 430
    Lauren D 2+27 (pu, 12 reps hspu)
    Mark C 2+ 24 (135)
    Remer 2+ 45 rx
    Alex Th 2+5 (12 hspu 3ab, 75)
    Jilla 2+ 23 rx
    Alex Tu 1+ 50 (85, 25db press)
    Mike M 1+ 70 (105, 30 db press)
    Joe C 1+ 60 (135, hspu/ sb)
    Julie R 1+ 48 (95, 1ab 12hspu)
    Kate S 1+ 57 (75, 2ab 12hspu)
    Laura C 2 (35, dbpress 8#)
    Therese 1+ 60 (20#db, 65)
    Anne B 1+ 54 (60, 20 db press, push ups)

    Josh P 1+ 60 (12hspu, 2ab, 115)
    Joe M 1+ 65 (115, sb)
    Rachael 1+ 56 (12 walks, 75)
    Madu 1+ 24 (55, 8# press)
    Fayth 1+ 29 (85, 3ab 12 and 10 reps)
    Steph C 2+ 15 (85, 6hspu w/3 ab, 6sb)
    Sarmad 2 (95, 3)#db press)
    Jenna 1+61 rx
    JP 2rx
    Laura A 2+ 11 rc
    Josh Mc 2rx
    Brittany 1+ 50 (12 hspu w/ 3ab, 85)
    Alona 2+1 (3ab)
    Mariana 2+ 15 (12hspu w/ 2 ab, 95)
    Twinnie 1+31 (1ab, 85)
    Kyle 1+ 53 (2ab, 115)
    Matt D 2+ 19 ( 85, kick ups)
    Michael C 1+ 63 (115, 25db press)
    Ryan S 2+2 (115, 2ab)

    Dave 1+ 37 (115,2ab)
    Cline 1+ 31 (walks, 105)
    Gia 1+ 68 (75, 2ab)
    Caitlyn 1+ 54 (85, 3ab)
    Sean 1+ 28 (1ab)
    Emily 1+ 58 (incl push up, 45)
    Mike R 1+ 36 (135, 2ab)

  7. 330
    Holly 2+ 13 (12 box reps, 75)
    Alex P 2+ 24 (3ab 12reps, 75)
    Dave H 2 rx
    Mike Z 3+ 64 (65hpc, 12hspu box)
    Gabby 2 (55, box 12hspu)
    Cherie 1+ 53 (12 box hspu)
    Kate M 1+ 54 (2/3 ab, 85, 12hspu)

  8. 1.30.18
    Aimee 3 + 11 rx
    Pam 2 +14 rx
    Kevin H 2 + 28 (12 hspu)
