
W.O.D. 1.24.18

AMRAP 10 minutes: 
10 Power Snatches (55/75#) 
3 Bar Muscle-Ups

Cash out:
Tabata Hollow Holds

“The only limit to your impact is your imagination and commitment.”
–Anthony Robbins


  1. 515/6/7am

    Kevin B 5+12 Rx
    Alex P 4+1 band trans.
    Holly 3+11 band trans
    Ellie 4+12 band
    Mike S 3+11 banded
    Manisha 3+10 band
    Ben M 5+3 box jmu
    Laura Smith 4+13 (band/35#)
    King 5 band
    Theresa 5+5 band
    Brian S 6+3 mu att.

    Angelo 8+10 Rx
    Justin C 6 Rx
    Mark Sp. 2 Rx

    Matt D 4 (45#, band)
    Joe C 3+10 mu att.
    Kevin L 4+1 (65#)
    Jess M 4 mu att

  2. 6am class correction

    Mark Sp. 2+10 Rx

    I'm not letting those 10 snatches count for nuttin!

  3. 630
    Steph v 5+3 (3 strict 3 band)
    Caitlyn 4+12 (6pu)
    Mariana 5+5 (c2b rom)
    Mike r 5+11 (mua, got 2!!!)
    Matt e 7+1 c2b
    Marisa 8 (1 mu/ rd)
    Erika 4+6 pu
    Gia 5+5 pu
    Erik 6+2 c2b

    Neil 6+5 c2b
    Sharnae 6+1 (40/pu)
    Esra 5+11 pua

  4. 9:30am
    Jackie 6+8 95DL/6 bnd strict Pull
    Jill h. 4+12 3bnd swing/3 band strict
    Megg l 5+4 65pwrcln/6 bnd strict
    Edwin :) 15 cal bike/3 strict
    Connie i accidentally cut off your score in the photo i took. Please post it. Sorry!!

  5. 12:15pm
    Pete D 6+10 bmu/bmua
    Josh m 9 Rx
    Mark St 6+10 rx
    Mike si 9+11 rx
    Dana d 6+10 rx
    Pam g 7+12rx
    Katie m 4+7 3 band strict/3 pull ups
    Cherie 3+12 45 6 strict w/Box
    Meredith 5+10 3 bnd strict/ 3 pull ups
    Bryan s 4+6 rx

  6. 4:30pm
    Olan 6+2Rx
    Alex th 4+10 3c2ba/3 bnd strict
    Regi 5+10 rx
    Karen m 4+1 3c2ba/3 bnd strict
    Kevin t 5+12 rx
    Dave H 3+12rx
    Donna g 5+5 3 pull ups/3 bnd strict
    John m 5+5 6 bnd pull ups

  7. 5:30pm
    Brian R 5+6 65/6 bnd strict
    Kyle g 5+5 c2b
    Keith 7+2rx
    Alicia m 6+5 1bmu
    Sean S 4+10 bmua
    Alona k 5+3 bnd
    Allison T :)
    Mike c 3+12 rx
    Kevin h 6+5rx
    Jenna K 4 bnd
    Laura a 6+10rx

  8. Connie v 5 15 3strict bnd/3 box dip
