
W.O.D. 1.23.18


21-15-9 reps for time of: 
Dumbbell snatches 
Burpees, jumping over the dumbbell

Men: 50-lb. dumbbell Women: 35-lb. dumbbell 

For RX- Jump up, over and back on two feet, laterally. No stepping. 
For Dumbbell Snatch switch hands below the face. 

Scaling (from Crossfit.com): 
Use this workout as a chance to practice for the Open. 
Each Open workout will offer specific weights and movement standards that allow everyone from teenagers to masters to participate. 
Pick the option that is appropriate for you. 

CLICK HERE for the standards explained in the live announcement of 18.Zero. 

Scaled Option (Ages 16-54) 
21-15-9 reps for time of: 
Dumbbell snatches Burpees, stepping over the dumbbell 
 Men: 35-lb. dumbbell 
Women: 20-lb. dumbbell 

 Scaled Option (Teenagers 14-15 and Masters 55+) 
21-15-9 reps for time of: 
Dumbbell snatches Burpees, stepping over the dumbbell
 Men: 20-lb. dumbbell 
Women: 10-lb. dumbbell

“Unless commitment is made, there are only promises and hopes… but no plans.”
–Peter F. Drucker


  1. 6am
    Mike sim 4:33 rx
    Kevin h 5:51 rx
    Ellie 6:22 rx
    Kevin b 5:45 rx
    Brittany 6:32 rx
    Mike San 9:32 rx
    Theresa 5:09 rx
    Dana 4:32 rx
    Mark sp 6:18 rx

    Kate c 8:02 rx
    Danielle g 6:24 rx
    Orelle 7:38 rx
    Anna c 7:18 sc
    Joe c 6:55 rx
    Matt d 6:20 sc
    Kevin l sc

  2. Jill a 4:18

    Connie v 7:37 Sc (jumped burpee)
    Jess a 12:12rx
    Mary h 9:00rx
    Kate m 8:30rx
    Nicole r 5:23 Sc (Mat burpee)

  3. Masters
    1RM power clean
    Ski calories/power cleans

    Barb z 93 9:06 53
    John b 123 8:09 63

  4. 5:30
    Sarmad 8:20 35#
    Caitlyn 8:35 RX!
    Alona 8:07 RX!
    Lauren H. 8:17 RX!
    Josh S. 7:03 RX!
    Flounder 8:07 sc 30#
    Lindsey 7:35 25#
    Kyle G. 6:40 45#
    Steph C. 6:36 sc 25#
    Kyle B. 9:56 20# pushup/squat
    Erika 7:33 30#
    Rob C. 6:48 RX!
    Matt B. 8:13 RX!

    Michael C. 7:59 RX!
    Matt E. 7:44 RX!
    Cline 8:02 35#

    Nice work on challenging yourselves on keeping the 18.0 burpee standard!!
    - Jill

  5. 7:30 DaD

    Esra 8:48 RX
    Mike Roth 7:23 RX
    Brian S 6:52 RX
    Neil 6:55 RX
    Sean S 6:34 RX

  6. Julie: 6:45 rx
    Nicole: 8:34 rx
    Therese: 9:00 (15#)
    Larry: 6:15 (35#)
    Noel: 6:04 rx
    Julia: 7:55 (20#)
    Alex: 7:07 rx
    Donna: 8:22 rx
    Joe: 6:38 (45#)
    Mark C: 5:38 rx
    Olan: 7:29 rx
    Karen S: 6:56 (20#)
    Shawna: 9:43 rx
    Dave: 4:56 rx
    Ina: 7:11 (20#)

  7. Sorry for the delay!!

    Panos 4:59 Rx
    Pete d 5:27 Rx
    Pam 4:41 Rx
    Meredith 7:25 Rx
    Kate m 7:33 Sc (jumped burpee)
    John m 6:35rx
    Matt t -???

  8. 6:30p
    Susan A 160/80/200=400
    Eric F 305/145/365=815
    Sean S 275/155/440=870
    Michael R 275(pr)/120/345=740 pr
    Josh S 275/135/315=725
    Caitlyn 165/65/210=440 PR
    Mike C 205/100/305=610
    Joe M 205/155(pr)/275=625
    Sarmad 235/100/235=570
    Jill A 265/95/255=615 PR!
