
W.O.D. 1.18.18

All for time:
Hang Power Snatch (75/115#)
Chest to Bar Pull-ups

Rest 2:00 Minutes

Shoulder to Overhead (75/115#)
Toes to Bar

Difficulties strengthen the mind, as labor does the body.


  1. 830am Comp
    Aimee 12:34 rx
    Jenna 20:32 (12-9-6 c2b)

    Rachael 16:32 (35/45, 12-9-6 c2b/t2b)
    Connie 16:43 (12-9-6 pu, PVS + 55)
    Gordy 17:57 (95, 12-9-6 c2b)
    Gabby 19:26 (45, band, 12-9-6, floor t2b)
    Jackie 14:33 (db step ups, goblet squats 35, kb dl 53, ghd)
    Jess A 17:45 (45, band 12-9-6)

  2. 1215
    Pam 15:57rx
    Mike Sim 15:09 rx
    Rich A 18:42 rx
    Tim H 16:22 (75, rom, kr)
    Andrew C 13:13 rx
    Jonathon 18:40 rx
    Marisa 16:43 (12-9-6 t2b)
    Mark S 14:06 (85)
    Pete D 18:44 (95)
    Mary H 16:33 (55, 12-9-6 c2b/t2b rom)
    Kevin H 18:50 (95)
    Steph V 16:43 (53, bkr)
    Carl 18:59 (85)
    Susan 17:18 (55,12-9-6 c2b,t2b)
    Kevin T 18:10 (75, v- ups)
    Meredith H 17:50 (55, pull- ups/ 12-9-6 t2b)
    Jill H 16:11 (12-9-6 c2b/ t2b att)

    HP Snatch
    Sit- Ups
    Pull- Ups

    Anne B 9:52 (35,53 band)
    Terry 10:07 (35/53)
    Barb C 10:23 (15/35 band)
    Mom 9:25 (15/35 band)

  3. 6/7am

    Kevin B 21:33 (95)
    Jeff B 21:03 (95)
    Angelo 19:38 Rx
    Mark Sp 25:33 (95)
    Mike S 24:03 (65) Reg pull-ups

    Kate C 22:32 (33) reg pull-ups
    Justin C 18:45 (pre race scale! Reg pull-ups/floor T2B)
    Matt D 19:37 (45/band)
    Kevin L 23:50 (65)
    Joe C 22:32 (95)

  4. 6:30/7:30p
    Michael C 18:53 65#
    Matt E 21:27 95/PU/KR
    Caitlyn 21:46 55#/15-12-9reps of C2B/T2B (ROM)
    Sean S 23:30 95#/15-12-9reps C2B/T2B
    Michael R 20:11 95#
    Erika R 21:38 55#/band
    Lauren D 21:15 air bike/band

    Julie R 16:27 55#/RR/KR
    Mark C 18:48 75#

  5. Remer 18:59 rx
    Jilla 14:47 rx
    Alex Esk 18:27 rx
    Alex T 14:35 (55, 12-9-6 pu)
    Matt T 19:21 (65, pu, t2b rom)
    Donna 14:46 (12-9-6, pu rom/ kr, 55)
    Dana 19:39 rx
    John Mc 22:05 (band, 85, fs, ghd 85 2nd half)
    Laura A 15:20 rx
    Karen S 19:09 (45, 12-9-6 pu)
    Ina 17:01 (33/55, 12-9-6 pu)
    Dave H 23:25 rx
    Manny 23:50 (75, 12-9-6 t2b)

    Fayth 15:40 (55, 12-9-6, pu rom, t2b)
    Steph C 17:38 (55, pu rom)
    Animal 20:28 (75, 12-9-6 t2b rom, no rest)
    Shawna 19:09 (55, 12-9-6 pu, t2b, kr)
    Josh P 20:03 (75, pu, kr)
    Alona 21:11 (65, 75 rom attempts)
    Twinnie 17:58 (55)
    Alicia 18:36 (55)
