
W.O.D. 1.16.18

7 Rounds: 
5 Squat Cleans (135/205#) 
10 Calories Row

"Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly."
-Robert F. Kennedy


  1. 6am
    Mark sp 15:25 (155)
    Justin c 14:15 rx
    Angelo 16:34 rx
    Danielle g 15:14 (115)
    Kevin 15:00 (155)
    Manisha 18:33 (80/75)
    Jeff b 17:18 (175)

    David b 12:57 (135)
    Marla 17:38 (115)
    Raj 18:58 rx
    Kate c 18:52 (85)

  2. Jenna 17:14 (125)
    Jilla 12:53 rx

  3. 9:30am
    Connie v 16:45 65
    Jackie h 14:12 runner/front sq
    Jess a 16:23 85pwr
    Jill h 16:02 105
    Kate m 16:16 85pwr
    Meredith h 16:29 95
    Mary h 15:10 90
    Kevin h 15:50 195

    Steph v 17:42 pwr

  4. Express
    Pam 14:50 rx
    Mike sim 14:11 rx
    Tim h 16:01 (145)
    Carl b 13:03 (135)
    Nicole m 16:16 (85)
    Pete d 16:59 (135)
    John Mc 19:18 (155)
    Matt t 14:20 (95)

    Rachael 12:50 (55)
    Dad 12:28 (73)
    Mom 15:01 (30)
    Barb c 15:15 (33pwr)
    Terry 15:24 (53)
    Ina 14:42 (53)
    Anne 12:17 (55pwr)

  5. Keith 14:06 rx
    Samson 17:33 rx
    Therese 15:00 (5+3 65)
    Olan 17:35 (165)
    Alex t 15:18 (80)
    Donna 14:25 (90)
    Remer 17:46 (185)
    Julie 13:40 (95)
    Julia 18:13 (55)
    Kevin t 3+??? 135
    Aim 12:25 rx

  6. Brian S 16:09 165#
    Esra 15:46 100#
    Chris L 13:11 95#
    Sharnae 17:23 55#
    Mike Roth 14:44 155#
    Neil 17:57 Rx

  7. 5:30
    Matt D. 15:06 85#
    Josh Mc 8:28 4rds 165#
    Shawna 17:29 85#
    Mariana 16:25 115#
    Erika 15:28 95# power
    Marissa 21:58 125#
    Kyle G. 23:58 125#
    Laura A. 22:55 115#
    Allison T. 21:07 RX
    Steph M. 18:40 110#
    Rob C. 18:01 175#
    Matt B. 18:40 155#
    Alona 18:58 115#

    Emily A. 12:20 45#
    Michael C. 15:37 115#
    Erik 18:00 120#
    Lindsey 16:26 85#
    Sean 17:35 155#
    Matt E. 16:38 155#

    Nice work on challenging yourselves with the weight today!
    - Jill
