
W.O.D. 1.15.18

AMRAP in 20 minutes: 
20 Burpees 
40 WallBalls (20/14#) 
60 Kettlebell Swings (35/53#)

(Individual or partner, your choice. One partner works at a time.)

Community Notes:
MLK Day - 9:30 AM is a FREE workout for Friends and Family. 

The key to life is accepting challenges. Once someone stops doing this, he’s dead.
-Bette Davis


  1. 5:15a/6a
    King/Theresa L/Ben M 3+115 Rx

    Ellie 2+41 Rx
    DD 2+85 Rx
    Justin C 2+97 Rx
    Angelo K 2+67 Rx
    Katie M 2+ 33 6#WB/18#KB

  2. 7am
    Anna C 2+53 10Bur/GobSq14#/20'stepup
    RAJ 2+3 Rx
    Manisha S & Jess M 4+2 Rx
    Kevin L 2+16 9'/35#
    marla P 3+6Rx
    Mark Sp 2+16Rx
    Tori E (10#) & Laura S (10#/26#) 4+3
    Kate C 2+10Rx

  3. 9:30am
    Jill/Syd 3+30Rx
    Meg/Luis/Amy :)
    Connie/Megg L 3+115 12#
    Kat /William 2+105 8#/26&18#
    Julie Sarmad 3+50 35/14
    Robin/Susan 3+71 10/14
    Kevin/Lucas 3+40 RX/18,6
    Mary/Akasha :)
    Kevin/Edwin/Mike C 4+34 Rx
    Mary/Sydney 3+30 12/6&18

  4. Thanks to all of the visitors who came out for a workout this morning!! Hope to see you again soon!

  5. Julia m 2+4 26rus 10
    Susan a 2+32 8'
    Joe c 2+12rx
    Matt t/not Kevin 2+13 35 14
    Alex th 2+20 Rx

    Pete 20+15rx
    Mark st 18+15rx

  6. 330
    Alex p 2+5 rx
    Holly f 2 rx
    Vinnie G 1+ 98 (14# to 17”/26#)
    Dave h 2+39 rx

    Byrnsie/ mike m 3+28 (14#/44)
    Jenna 2+32 rx
    Fayth/ steph c 3+ 38 rx/30#
    Manny 2 (14#/35)
    Remer 2+ 72 rx
    Regi 1+ 110 rx
    Alex t 1+ 55 (20/30/40, 14#/26)
    Kate s 2+ 7 rx

  7. 530
    Olan/ Matt Bo 3+70 rx
    Noel/ Animal 3+ 69 rx/ 45#
    Karen/ Therese (2rds)/ Lauren D 3+ 86 rx
    Alona 2+69 rx

  8. 6:30:
    Jessie S: 2+43 RX
    Gia : 1+90 RX
    Sean S: 2+8 RX
    Mike R: 2+21 RX
    Josh S:1+112 RX
