
W.O.D. 12.04.17

Seven rounds for time: 
400 m Run 
 29 Back Squats (95/135#)

 "If Not Me, Then Who..." On April 29, 2007, Travis Manion was killed by an enemy sniper while saving his wounded teammates. Today, Travis Manion Foundation (TMF) exists to carry on the legacy of character, service and leadership embodied by Travis and all those who have served and continue to serve our nation. Travis' words before leaving for his final deployment to Iraq "If Not Me, Then Who..." are a constant reminder for all of us to live with character and put other people's interests before our own. 

 TODAY, December 4, 2017, CrossFit King of Prussia will honor Travis’ legacy by participating in the Hero WOD: “Manion” Seven rounds- 400 m Run 29 Back Squats 135/95 All proceeds will go to the Travis Manion Foundation to support Veterans and families of fallen heroes. All registered participants will receive a TMF Tshirts. 

Registration is $29.00 per individual or $58.00 for partner. 
 Donations can also be made if participants do not want Tshirts.
Donations are suggested not required. This is the daily workout for all classes today. 

  CLICK HERE to sign up and donate. 

Advent Day 4:
Fastest wheelbarrow walk in 100’ (Choose a partner and complete the distance in the fastest time; must switch partners at least once throughout the walk)

Always do your best. What you plant now, you will harvest later.
-Og Mandino



  1. 515
    Kevin 28:10 (75,row)
    King 29:43 (95)
    Theresa 26:36 (33)
    Ellie 26:29 (45)
    Mike San 29:56 (45)

  2. 6am
    Katie m 33:50 15

    In the true spirit of community the 5:15am class decided to all take turns doing 1-2 more rounds with Katie!! (And their coach decided they earned a raffle ticket for that!! :)

  3. 9:30 AM
    Jackie 17:52 (200M Run/ 33# for 15 reps)
    Steph V 19:29 (1/22 MBike / 10 Goblet Squat 35 to 16")
    Jill H / Mary H 29:04 55#
    Mike Sim/Dana 29:52 135/95
    Tim P 26:37 95#
    Kevin H 29:11 95#

  4. 12:15pm
    Team Toto 29:19 95
    Meredith(55/row)/Julia M (33)/Kate m(55) 31:21
    Mark sp 30:08 95

  5. 3:30 PM
    Holly F 28:33 33# to ball + 2 plates

  6. Caitlyn/Danielle 28:48 65/95
    Mike Roth/Sean 27:00 105
    Gia 27:22 65# 1/2


  7. 4:30/5:30 PM
    Joe M/Josh 27:16 95/135
    JillA/Ryan S 27:35 95#
    Donna/Alex 28:45 45#
    Remer/Angelo 23:43 135#
    Therese/ Karen 27:29 100m/45#/300M 65#
    Mike Mit/Manny 32:23 95#
    Noel/ Edwin 26:34 95#

    Giulia/Steph C/Fayth 30:57 75/55/33
    Michal C/Alona 27:27 85#
    Ryan A 25:48 (1/2 mile bike, Press/DL 10 reps 85#)
    John Mc 37:08 95#
    Rob C 5 Rds 45#bike
    Laura A 30:39 Rx
    Brittany/Shawna 32:12 45#
