
W.O.D. 11.8.17

3 RM Bench Press

CLICK HERE to compare to 2.11.17
CLICK HERE to compare to 5.3.17
CLICK HERE to compare to 7.31.17

Cash out:
20 Calories Ski Erg 
20 Push-ups
20 Ring Dips

“You might be poor, your shoes might be broken, but your mind is a palace.”
-Frank McCourt


  1. 515/6am/7am

    Mark Sp 170, 9:43 Rx
    King 175, 4:04 Rx
    Kevin B 150, 4:42 Rx
    Holly 75, 6:05 band
    Alex P 73, 4:43 band
    Brittany 93, 7:45band
    Mike S 125 (235x2), 10:48 Rx
    Laura Smith 90, 6:13 band
    Theresa 105, 7:10 Rx
    Manisha 70 (73.5x2), 7:46 band/snake

    Ben M 155 PR, 6:42 band
    Sarah S 70, 6:22 2x floss band

    Anna 82 PR, 6:18 foot down assist
    Joe C 215, 5:52 Rx

  2. 9:30 AM

    Jackie H. Deadlift 275# trap bar; 4:39,20 cal bike,20 lunge,20 pistols
    Jill H. 115# PR!; 6:24 band
    Meggan L. 100# PR!;5:16 band,snake
    Mary H. 92.5# PR!;6:22 snake,band
    Karen S. 72.5# PR!;7:19 band
    Jess A. 95# PR!;4:30,snake,10 rd band

  3. 12:15 EXP

    Pam G. 125#,5:55 Rx
    Mike S. 245#,3:17 Rx
    Kevin H. 215# PR!,3:40 Rx
    Noel S. 175# PR!, 5:53 Rx
    Tim H. 165#,6:24 rom,band
    Matt T. 165# PR!,4:24 rr
    Meredith H. 100# PR!,3:58 band
    Pete D. 185#,4:02 Rx
    Justin D. 175#,4:50 band
    Byrnsie 205#,3:52 Rx
    Nicole R. 80#,5:42 band
    Rich A. 235#,2:17 Rx

  4. 630
    Erika 85/ 4:30 sn band
    Gia 80/ 6:15 sn band
    Helen 105/ 5:50 sn band
    Steph v 120/ 3:56 sn/ foot assist dips
    Josh mc 195/ 3:55 rx
    Brandon 215/ 5:03 rx
    Joe m 205 pr! / 4:56 rom

    Neil 225/ 7:15 band
    Mike r 135/ 4:34 band
    Brian s 255/ 3:30 rx
    Bryan s 135/ 6:44 band

  5. 4:30pm
    Danielle 90 6:30pm Inc/bnd
    Donna 80Pr 7:02 Inc/bnd
    Lucille 80PR 5:20 inc/Feet
    Regi 115PR 4:58 Bnd
    Alex T 65 6:12 Inc/bnd
    Remer DL 3:21 Bike/GHD/Pistol
    Mike M 145Inc PR 5:20 BND

    RAJ 135 5:55 Bnd
    Mike Co 135 3:40 Bnd
    Nicole M 95 PR! 4:25 Bnd
    Fayth 75 PR 5:32 SN/Bnd
    Sean 225 5:30Rx
    Cass 90Pr 4:46 Sn/Bnd
    Hunter 2:05 5:55 Bnd
    Ben T 205 5:37 Bnd
    Steph C 80 3:39 Sn/bnd
