
W.O.D. 11.7.17

AMRAP in 10 Minutes:
10 Deadlifts (95/135#)
8 Hang Power Cleans (95/135#)
6 Overhead Squats (95/135#)

*athletes will use one barbell with one weight on the bar.

Cash out: 
3 Rounds: (Not For Time) 
:30sec. L-Sit Hold 
:30sec. One Arm Plank (Right) 
:30sec. One Arm Plank (Left) 
10 Strict Toes to Bar

“The mind is not a vessel to be filled, but a fire to be kindled.”


  1. 6am
    Kevin 6+8 (105)
    Theresa 4+18 (85)
    Manisha 5+11 (65)
    Jeff 6+18 (95)
    Mark spak 6+2 (95)
    Laura s 5+14 (65)
    Danielle g 5+22 (75)
    Justin c 4+17 rx
    Brittany 5+12 (55)
    Dana 4+22 (fs)
    Jeremy 5+10 thanks for dropping in!
    Madhu 3+18 (45)
    Katie m 5+19 (55)

    Gabby 5+10 (35)

  2. 12:15 PM
    Olan 4 + 18 115
    Kevin T 4 + 13 95
    Steph V 4 + 18 95# ROM
    Mike Sim 5 + 12 Rx
    Kevin B 4 + 5 105
    Pete D 4 + 23 115
    Nicole R 4 + 10 55#
    Meredith H 5 + 10 65#
    Angelo 4 + 3 Rx
    Pam 4 + 18 rx
    Tim H 7 + 13 65#
    Rich A 5 + 18 rx

    Masters 1:00
    Dad 5 +10 73# 35# kb goblet squats
    Mom 5 + 3 35# 15 DB 15#
    Terry 5 + 18 53#15
    Dianne 4+22 53/15
    Barb C 4 +17 25/44 pvc
    Sharon 5 + 14 63#/53#15

  3. Jenna 4+17 (front squats@95) #globogym

  4. jilla: f (front squat)
    manny: 4+15 (65#)
    mchugh: 2+22 (105#)
    julia: 4+16 (35/15)
    dave h: 6+18 (rx)
    alex: 5+22 (55)
    karen: 5+23 (65)
    ini: 6+18 (55/15)
    tori: 6 (55)
    raj: 5+10 (rx)
    amm: #+15 (85)

  5. 9:30
    Jill h 5+18 75
    Mary h 5+20 55
    Jess a 5 55rom
    Brian R 5 105fs
    Miranda 5+18 55
    Julie r 6+6 55
    Sydney 6+18 55
    Grace 6+19 55
    Jonathan 4+18 65

  6. 6:30pm
    Giulia 5+14 rx
    Caitlyn 5+10 65
    Sean 4+14 115
    Brandon 4 115FS
    Matt e 4+18 FS135
    Mike co 5+18 85
    Cherie 4 35
    Erik f 5+7 95
    Tia 3+10 85

  7. 7:30pm
    Max (NY) 4+17RX
    Neil 4+22rx
    Esra 5+15 65
    Noel 5+7 105
    Mike Ro 3+18 105
    Brian s 5 115

  8. Laura A 4+18rx
    Josh 4+20 115#
    Donna 6+15 60#
    Trish 5+2 55/15
    Remer 5+19 135# FS
    Steph M 4+10 65#
    Lindsey 5+15 60#
    Mariana 5+12 85# FS
    Steph C 5+3 55#
    Ben T 5+18 95#
