
W.O.D. 10.8.17

3 Rounds of:
3 Minute AMRAP of:
10 Deadlifts 105/155#
8 Hang Power Cleans 105/155#
6 Burpees over the Bar
Rest 3 Minutes

Community Notes:
All classes today will be held in the Annex (110 C DeKalb), please meet and park there. 

A failure is not always a mistake. It may simply be the best one can do under the circumstances. The real mistake is to stop trying.
- B. F. Skinner

1 comment:

  1. Sean 38, 39, 38 = 115 (135#)
    Anne 51, 48, 52 = 151 (55#)
    May 46, 43, 48 = 137 (55#)
    Donna 56, 53, 50 = 159 (80#)

    Neil 58, 50, 48 = 156 Rx
    Cline 45, 46, 46 = 137 (125#)
    Bryan 50, 47, 42 = 139 (95#)
    Jill H 64, 58, 50 = 176 (95#)
    Sydney 52, 42, 42 = 136 (75#)
    Lauren D 48, 38, 34 = 120 (95#)
    Raj 56, 42, 39 = 137 (95#)
    Jonathan P 52, 46, 36 = 134 Rx
    Gabby 49, 48, 40 = 137 (45#/15#)
    Dana D 67, 59, 58 = 184 (85#)
    Theresa 66, 58, 53 = 177 (85#)
