
W.O.D. 10.7.17


Olan's - "Bad Medicine" 

 Med Ball (14#/20#) 

 3 rounds for time 
400 Meter run with medal 
25 wallballs (9ft/10ft) 
25 medball cleans 
25 OHS with medal 

 Hold on to the ball throughout the whole WOD. 

Any rest taken with the ball on the ground is 5 burpees before picking it back up. This includes dropped Wall Balls. Med Ball Cleans will be touch and go from the ground. The ball cannot be rested on another object. During rest, the medicine ball must be held on the "person". ...and don't forget, the Bon Jovi song "Bad Medicine" will be playing on a loop until you finish.

Community Notes:
All classes today will be held in the Annex (110 C DeKalb), please meet and park there. 

Let me tell you the secret that has led to my goal. My strength lies solely in my tenacity.
- Louis Pasteur


  1. Gold medal? Silver medal? United mettle?

  2. 9:00

    Betsy(NY) 21:12 Rx
    Alicia-Marie 19:26 8#
    Sean 28:03 14#
    Meggan 25:31 10#
    Laura S 23:31 Rx
    Nicole 25:44 8#
    Joe T 24:43 14#
    Mae 27:26 8#


    Sasha 29:53 8#
    Cline 29:53 ROM MBC
    Erika 25:07 8#
    Mike Ro 24:30 16#
    Pete D 24:58 Rx
    Sarmed 27:37 10#
    Stephanie C 23:30 8#
