
W.O.D. 10.27.17

Join us tomorrow for our annual "Wolverine" Workout and Costume Party, starting at 9AM. 
Preschool Kids are FREE at 10 AM for a costume party and workout!
FREE babysitting at 9AM.


5 RM Back Squat

 Then, take 70% of your 5 RM and do one minute for max back squat reps!

 Cash out: 
AMRAP in 5 minutes:
10 Handstand Push-ups
15 Alternating Dumbbell Snatch (35/50#)

  CLICK HERE to compare to (1.3.17)
  CLICK HERE to compare to (4.5.17)
CLICK HERE to compare to (7.18/17)

"Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future." 
-John F. Kennedy


  1. 5:15a/6a
    Mike San 155# 17reps@110, 2+3 (35#/Kick-ups/Pushups)
    King 185# (17"box) 19reps@ 135, 2+16 45#
    Alex P 105# 15reps@73, 3rds (25#/5HSPU/3abm)

    Mark Sp 207.5 PR!! 21reps@140, 2rds (2abm)
    Katie M 125 (20# PR!!) 18reps@88, 2+7 (25#/2abm/5HSPU)
    Ben M 195 (20# PR!!) 17reps@135, 2+4 (2abm)

  2. 9:30 AM
    Aimee 209 18/ 4 + 5 Rx
    Steph 175 box squat 9/ 3 + 7 Pushups
    Mary 130 PR 18/ 2 + 8 sc
    Jackie 175 19/ 2 + 29 sc
    MichaelC 185 pr 20/ 2 + 5 (5 hspu 2 ab)
    Kevin B 225 for 4.. 21/ 2 1 AB
    Luis 300 PR 16/ 2 s ab 40#
    Michael R 225 Pr 19/ 3 + 12 PU 35#
    Lindsey 135 pr 13/ 2 + 17 sc
    Jill H 165 PR 16/2+1 2ab
    Meggan Le 150 PR 21/ 2 +7 5 hspu 25
    Theresa L 135 15 / 2 + 20 rx
    Lauren D 85 for 7 FS 16/2 + 8 sc
    Karen S 115 PR 10/ 3 sc
    Ina 95 PR 16/3 + 1 (20 2 AB)

  3. 12:15
    Mike Sim 315 pr
    Tim H (ducky daddy) 265 PR/ 16 2 + 15 25 # DBSP 45#
    Kevin H 305 PR 18/2 + 3 Rx
    Manisha 115 17 / 2+11 25# 2 AB
    Laura A 165 185 x3 20 1 + 9 rx
    Pete D 245 PF 17 3 Rx
    Meredith 165 PR 15 3+1 2 AB
    Matt T 175 PR 14/ 45# 2 ish

  4. 330

    Remer 275 PR!, 19@195, 3+10 rx
    Keith 345, 14@225, 3+24 RX
    Gabby 115 PR!, 16@75, 3+10 12# lsp, 20# db snatch
    Ben T 235 PR!, 18@165 3+5 35# lsp, 40# db

    Jilla 235 PR!!, 19@165, 4+12 rx
    Kelly 135, 13@85, 4 15# lsp, 20# db
    Raj 230 PR!!, 14@165, 2+1 2 abm
    Cass 155, 18@105 3+19 15# lsp, 25# db
    Donna 135 PR!!, 14@95, 4+11 15# lsp, 30# db

  5. 5:30

    Caitlyn 125 pr 17 4+10 25/20
    Alicia 135 21 1+16 Rx
    Kat 120 PR 14 2+14 20/15
    Justin C 275 PR 16 2+7 Rx
    Danielle 195 PR 14 2+4 2am
    Mariana 150 PR 13 4+10 25/20
    Kyle B 4 bests 26 15/10


    Nicole 155 PR 14 2 30/2aab
    Erika 125 x 3+10 25/25
    Sermed 180 16 3 30/45
